
Any thoughts on this site I just found?

by  |  earlier

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I hate to waste your time but this is a bit pathetic and over the top.

Say what your thoughts are-




  1. I accept your apology for wasting my time, and yes, pathetic is right !

    Say what my thoughts are . . .I wouldn't waste them . . . .I do feel sorry for those girls though . . .they are going to have a rude awakening to the real world someday .

  2. I don't see what's so pathetic. The fans just made a petition to get their favourite band on a show they like...? It works anyway, that's how they got The Jonas Brothers on Oprah, so....

    Yeah. =P

  3. I'm not for it but I'm not against it

    I mean, if the Tyra Show wants them, they'll get them!

    They shouldn't need a petition signed by 8 year old girls.

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