
Any thoughts on year-round schooling, or pre-school being public?

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If you can give a website that agrees with your opinion it'd be great. I'mreally looking for opinions that Don't agree with them.




  1. My mother-in-law works at a year round school, it seems to be working wonderfully.  The children don't lose so much knowledge over the summer, and they get a 3 week break every nine weeks to rest.  The school provides remediation for 2 weeks during that break for those who need it.  Public pre-school I don't really know much about.  I think it is best to have a smaller setting for the little ones though.  This way they get a lot of personal attention and love.

  2. I think year round school would be horrible.  Summer is short in Vermont and the thought of not having any time off is more then I could deal with. Three weeks off in January when it is 10 below zero again hard to deal with. Would siblings from the same family be on the same track? That would be a scheduling nightmare!! Different children in different schools. Pre-school being part of school I think would be great. Earlier cut off dates would be good to, some schools cut off dates are December 31.

  3. children do need that break.

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