
Any time soon???????

by Guest66652  |  earlier

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My daughter is 11 years old and very small. She is 4' 9'' and 65 pounds. She eats a little less than usual but she eats. She would never eat an animal though me and my husband try to get her to eat meat. We tell her she needs the protein, she doesn't listen. She has a fast metabolism which keeps her skinny as a stick. Is there a way to get her to grow or do we just have to wait for her growth spurt?




  1. Kids her age seem to have a super fast metabolism. She will grow in time but you should make sure she has a nutritious balanced meals throughout the day. She doesn't have to eat meat but you should find other things for her to eat that are packed in protein. Nuts (almonds especially are good), plain yogurt with fresh fruit, and beans are some examples. She will have many growth spurts as a teen.

  2. Height is pretty much determined by genes. There's no secret growth formula (otherwise there would be no short people ;), it's just genes. In terms of protein, if she doesn't want to eat meat, she can take dairy products, beans, legumes, and other foods rich in protein. But not eating meat will not affect her growth patter. Besides, she still has a good ten years to grow a few inches, don't worry ;)

  3. I was the same way at that age I hated long as she's eating something don't worry too much about her...make sure she takes her vitamins and try to introduce her to new food slowly...if she doesn't want to try it don't force her but my mum and dad always asked me to just have a bite...

    Also I had a lot of nuts which can provide protein.

      My period started at 15 because of my low weight(I was only about 90lbs and 5'6" at that time) so this might be the case for her.

    I got tall in high school but didn't put any weight on until I was about 19!!! I am now 26 and weight 116lbs....
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