
Any tip for black women traveling to Italy?

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I have a group traveling to Roma in September. Any tips on night clubs, where to hang out, men, how to dress? Any help will be much appreciated.




  1. i was just in italy a few weeks ago...(sigh)

    anyway, i'm not an adult, so i don't know about night clubs and that kind of stuff, but when i went it was HOT. so, wear light-colored shirts, bermudas, and comfortable shoes.

    try to dress conservatively because some places don't allow people to go in short-shorts and tank tops.

    the Colosseum and the forum are great! and the vatican. also, there are great museums and places to shop. the food is really good too, you won't have a problem with that...there's nothing like authentic italian pasta.

    hope i helped! have fun :)

  2. gal email me. i can tell you quite a bit. but just a lil tip please visit the coloseum the roman forum and the trevi fountain! oh! and the spanish steps! rome is expensive so bring money!

  3. Try to get to Florence, just fabulous, and visit the Colosseum which is awesome, and of course, the Vatican. Also visit the catacombs that go under the streets all over Rome and there are mummies don there too, really creepy.

    Enjoy and wear something comfortable and comfortable shoes.

  4. Maybe I am too conservative.  I don't trust any guys whom like to hang out in the bar.

    My boy friend is an Italian, a young professional ( a new medical doctor ), nice looking and very gentlemenly,  he has never been to any bars before, he only goes to church.   His brother, just got a PhD degree,  a very handsome  guy, also a church goer, and doesn't hang out in any bar neither.  You may want to spend a sunday morning to go to the local church while you are there.

    As far as dress goes, if you wear too s**y, you may only attract the playboy type guys and they may forget you after you are gone.  I suggest you dress any clothes that make you look pretty but not too s**y.

  5. OK, so I just came back from Italy maybe two months ago. As far as the night life, at the hotel just ask where the locals go to hang out. That's what we did. Ended up in alot of bars and a couple of dance clubs. I was there in early May and it was really hot. Bring lightweight clothes but maybe lightweight jackets. You do have to have your shoulders covered in most of the museums. Really, I went there expecting to see hot guys everywhere and was hugely disappointed. Maybe I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  6. Bella:  Can you help me out here?  Would the tips be different if it were a white woman asking?  Just curious.

  7. FYI. there is a group of black women who travel to Italy every year. They fly out of Los Angeles, New York, and California to meet up every September in Italy.

    You may take a look my travel blog tips. I don't remember that I've writen road trip to there.

    Take care.

  8. try there's a lot of info about europe in general. also, check out a guide book for club times. most of all have fun and forget the haters!

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