
Any tips about a one foot spin?

by  |  earlier

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i NEED to know how to do a one foot spin on ice skating!! i know how to do it but i always mess up wen i get faster!!!!! GRRR its so frustrating!!!!!! any tips???




  1. Well I'm not sure if you are entering your spin from backwards crossovers, but lets just say you are. First of all, make sure that you keep you head up and your shoulders back. When you first enter the spin, keep you arms and feet out a little bit, then slowly bring them in as you become more comfortable with the speed. Another thing that often messes people up is when they spin on their toe pick- DON'T DO THAT! It is kind of difficult to stop doing at first , but just concentrate very hard on putting pressure on the ball of your foot, not toe. Hopefully these tips will help!

  2. well it would be a little easier to help if i knew what kind on one-foot spin you are doing. do you mean a scratch spin? a backward scratch? im guessing you are just doing a beginner spin where you just push off and swing your arms. well either way, any forward one foot spin has the same basic properties you have to keep in mind when you skate. -keep your foot steady, and your head in line with your foot. -make sure your weight is on the side you are spinning on. -keep your arms in tight once you have swung them.

    -keep your head up and dont look at your feet.

    -practice building up speed while keeping your balance.

    -make sure your free leg is kept in tight once you swing it into youre crossed knee position.

    there are just a few you need to remind your self of when you practice, hope that helps. good luck and happy skating!!!

    -oh and ignore the hater comments! >=P

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