
Any tips for Volleyball overhand SERVING??

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I need some hints for great serving!




  1. use the palm of your hand to hit the ball. face your palm to where you want the ball to go. if you have a lot of strength or power you might want to take a few steps back before you serve so the ball will stay in the court. be lined up with the ball and the n throw it up not to high but high enough that when you put your arm straight up in the air that it is higher than that. then when it is at the right height hit it with your palm. it takes practice so dont get mad if you dont get it right away

    good luck!

  2. I'm right handed so i hold the the ball in my left hand and swing with my right ( It's the opposite if your left handed (You hold the ball in your right and swing with your left.).

    1. I stand straight and up and down with your feet together.Your arms are in a bow and arrow position holding the ball.

    2. You will take 1step with your left foot ( is your left handed then step with your right) and as your doing that you will want to throw the ball up in the air and in front of you.

    3. this is the final step. make sure your hand is open like when your giving someone a high five and you swing at 12 o'clock.

  3. Do not underestimate the importance of the toss. Bad serves usually start with bad tosses.

    Develop a few good overhand serves to keep your opponents guessing. In my heyday, I had three different kinds of serves: (1) a float serve. (2) A hard dipping serve. (3) A "dead" serve. This was something that I saw someone do and I practiced it till I got good at it. It's a serve that is hit loudly, but just barely makes it over the net.

    Best of luck -- Practice!!

  4. It's all about the toss!! Make sure you get on top of the ball and hit it UP not down!

    i was in your same place this year, I could only serve under hand but then my coach finally taught me to serve over hand. At practice, we had to make 10 serves before we could leave. Try starting close to the net, then serve, if it is easy for you to make your serve from there scoot back a little, continue doing this, until you get to a spot that is hard for you to serve from, remember that spot.

    Next you should hit the ball at the wall...up, not down like you're spiking. Keep doing this over and over, then when you feel like you're ready, go back to that spot that you had trouble with, and serve it. Scoot farther and farther back just like you did before.

    Everyday you should do this, it works muscles in your arms that you have never used before. If your shoulder hurts after practice that's a good thing! That means you are making progress, and trying your hardest. Best of Luck!

  5. i always stick my butt out and it gives me good luck

  6. For an over-hand serve,

    first you need to have a good toss, a correct arm swing, then you need to work on using your torso, transfer that POWERFUL force thru your shoulder to your hand to the ball.

    High toss, Low toss? it's up to you. Have it in front of your forehead.

    In the beginning, hit the ball with a fist. That will give you a little more power.

    Once you get the heck of the swinging & conditioning your torso muscles, use your palm to hit the ball, that will give you total control on how hard & where the ball will go.

    Be Patient.

    Have fun playing.

  7. overhand serving is hard.  It took me a lot of practice until i finally was able to do it.  

    I found out that if you can throw the ball from the back line over the net, then you can over hand serve.  with hits knowledge, my confidence grew.  Then i had to work on my tosses, i had to make sure they weren't to high, but not to low.  But that just comes with practice.  

    When serving the ball you have to have fast arm speed.

    You toss the ball, then hit the ball as fast as you can.  

    You have to make sure that you hit the ball in front of you, don't hit it behind you, that would be a bad toss, and a bad serve.  

    Remember to have fun, and never give up.  It take a lot of practice, do don't get discouraged.

  8. If you are right handed then throw the ball directly over your right shoulder and make sure your arm is extended when you hit the ball and follow through and snap your fingers downward if you want the ball to dive down by the net.

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