
Any tips for a Soon 2be Caddy??

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I will start caddy training next week and im wondering if someone could give me some pointers on how to make some good money!. How do i act around a potential customer? What to say, proper attire etc.....




  1. never start a conversation, only talk if they ask you a question, never make any noises during there swings, always clean there balls..:) , clean the clubs well after every shot, never walk in someones line, but all this will be desrcibed in your training. Good Luck its alot of fun.

  2. i caddy for 7 years piece of cake don't smoke don't used foul language wear a shirt that don't make a statemate, jeans, and be nice

  3. Well Im caddy. I just finished my loop. The main thing is, stay out of there way. Make yourself invisible.

  4. Speak when told so

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