
Any tips for a driving test i have today? thanks?

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Any tips for a driving test i have today? thanks?





  2. Always use your mirrors

    If you have a mistake don't panic, Just say oops and carry on as normal. They need to see you can do well under pressure and know you have made the mistake and not panicking

  3. Imagine it's just another driving lesson.  Look in your mirror lots and breathe x

  4. stay calm , deep breaths, use mirror loads , don't just move your eyes the examiner needs to see you are using them. Concentrate and talk yourself through what you need to do as you are driving e.g comming to junction need to slow down bring gears down ect.I found this worked well and calmed me down. Good luck!

  5. Stay calm, ask questions if needed, and make sure you stay within 2 miles an hour of going over the speed limit!

    Good luck!

  6. stay calm. forget about the fact that someone is watching you.

    pay attention to the roads, and dont do anything that you no is wrong.

    if you are unsure about anything, chack with the instructor before the lesson.

    Xx. hope tha helped .xX

  7. it's no big prob, believe me!! :)

    u'll actaully say it to yourself once you have done it,BUT u have to make urself say that before the test!.  Just concentrate on the way u know to drive, and it'll be all over.


  8. ha ha ....." drive carefully "

    the irony !!!..

  9. Keep your eyes on the road  ..............

  10. just rember wat u learned and gained over the months

    be confident

    good luck hope u pass

  11. Yeah! Stay out of my way.

    Appart from that just relax and you'll be fine.

    if its raining at the time watch out for aqua plane when doing

    your emergency stop. Good luck.

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