
Any tips for a female travelling to Sardinia?

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What's making this trip special is that for the first time in my life I'll be travelling alone. I feel excited,confident and nervous. Any advice on how a preety young lady should handle the attention from the Italians?






  2. Bask in it, I'd say... try and spend as much time as you can in Alghero, it's less touristy than much of the resort areas...

  3. Enjoy the attention - take the usual sensible precautions that a woman alone would wherever they are - and enjoy Sardinia - it is the most beautiful place.

  4. Yeah, have a different  one for each day you are there!!!  :-)

  5. well if your going to  Sardinia, u will be surprised of just how many tourists there are.  the Italians are very few and mind there own, as i travelled with my boyfriend last year, and this very attractive single girl didn't even get glanced at. so don't worry they wont eat you. or is it that that you wanted in the first place.

  6. I can tell you from experience, I live in Italy, know Sardinia, and have to deal with this everyday as I am blonde and get a lot of attention from Italian men. At first it was too much, Italian's in general are more passionate and expressive. Now I have been in Italy for a while, I have found the worst thing you can do is be rude to an Italian man as you can irritate them and they can become aggressive. Be firm but polite. Make it clear you aren't interested, by learning some phrases and I find that Italian men including Sardinian men will want to talk or stop you but if you are on the phone, they tend to leave you alone. Honestly I can say from practical experience in living in the country, being constantly with Italian men and travelling around the country, the best hinderance for unwanted attention is be on the phone, even if you have to pretend you are talking to someone. The men respect this and are usually not interested in waiting, just make it clear you are involved with a conversation, they will leave you a lone but I really suggest you are not rude. Don't look them in the eyes, wear sun glasses, be firm but not rude and be on the phone. I promise you this has worked for me, there was a time I needed a man with me all the time, I have now found the trick and I can be on my own without any trouble.

  7. Sardinia is the second largest island of Italy's island, so yes, it is part of Italy.

    If you're going to be on your own, be prepared to be propositioned. It is part of their culture, but you can let would be suitors know you're not interested.Your best bet is to not stay out late at a disco. Italian wines are stronger than our wines, so one glass will affect you more than you know.   On the city busses, the back seat will be filled with old men. They will pinch your rear as you leave the bus, so be on the look out.

    Pay attention to how the local women your age dress, and follow their lead. Above all, do not look at a man and l**k your lips.They will take that the wrong way. (Been there, done that.) Take a journal, and write in it when you find a quiet moment. It will help bring back memories, and help to let the local men know you're a serious person. Check into buying/renting a local pre-paid cell phone, for emergencies.

    Tried and true tips for fun:

    Rent a Vespa, if you're good with a motorcycle, for day trips. Don't take your best camera, in fact, take the one use deals, and get them developed as you fill them up. (Be sure to write your name and address on each one, in case it gets lost.)

    Above all, have fun! If you're lucky, a family will take a shine to you. That's where the fun kicks in!

  8. sun screen

  9. The attention that Italian men supposedly give American women is greatly exaggerated and now is mostly confined to the south of Italy.  That said, Sardinia is a place where many Italian families go to vacation, and it is fairly relaxed.  Don't forget to wear a bathing suit cover-up to and from the beach, be careful as you would anywhere as a female traveler alone.  Don't believe the Italian stereotypes perpetuated by the media-not everything is like "the Godfather".

  10. First of all, Sardinia is part of Italy.  Secondly, don't be afraid - Italy is safe, but just be aware of your surroundings, as you would anywhere.  The Italian men are very gracious and kind, but there are some rude ones (as there are in any culture) and you just have to be blunt with them. I am a single woman and lived in Italy for one year - it was the best time of my life!

    I have a very good friend living there for the summer and if you need help, contact me ( and I will give you his information. He is very kind and would gladly help you if you need it.  He lives in Genoa usually, but is working at the Club Med there for the summer.

    Good luck - and enjoy Italy!

  11. Visit the old walled part of the city of's beautiful.

    I would also recommend the coastline around Villasimius. The North of the island is more 'glam' but also a h**l of a lot more expensive and touristy, try the South it's cool!

    As for the inhabitants..they are more Spanish than Italian, there's a very laid back vibe.

  12. Sardinia isn't like mainland Italy. The men are friendly but not predatory so you won't get any hassle. Make sure that you visit the agriturismi for the best food and local wines, and don't forget to drive with your lights on.

  13. Italian men are harmless-they are just being Italian men.

    So, you have a choice, if someone interests you, then see where it takes you. If you are annoyed, then either ignore them or, if they are relentless, then look at them firmly and say "BASTA" which is Italian for ENOUGH and they will go away.

    But remember to stay open, as you are on vacation and I have many female friends who have traveled in Italy alone and they have wonderful stories. It's great that you are going alone-in my opinion it is the best way to travel!

  14. Hello,

    I'm a foreigner and I've lived in Rome duirng 1,5 years and another 3 months in Milan.

    Usually, Italians are quite incisive in their approach. Its normal to them to do it, its part of their culture. They do not care if you are pretty or ugly, it just happens. If you will not experience that, you will be lucky.... Italians girls does not goes out so often as Italian mens do.

    Always be firm and you must learn to say NO and BE RUDE. Italians are often rude. If you learn that, you will be ok.

    Italians use to express their emotions without boundries. Its normal, do no be scary about it. Italians are also civilized. They will not force anything, since you know how to maintain your position.

    Italians are friendly and its easy to them to do friendship. They are a people of extremes. They are not warm, they are hot! They are not cold, they are freeze! Undertand that? They are managed by their emotions and change from one to another emotional status easily.

    Sardinia its a such place. You could not get better choice. You will see beautiful beaches and find wonderful restaurants. Its and ancient island with ruins from ancient culture.

    YOU ARE GIFTED to choose this place.

    Always pay attention to the prices. usually food have the same level everywhere, so does not be concerned about it; Italians food are wonderful and you will love it be there.

    Go all around. If you rent a car or "Motorino - small motorcycles - Vespa", you wil be able to go to other beaches. You will have great time.

    Yopu can manage without problem. Be firm and learn to be rude, when necessary. Do not have fear to speak laught. They do it frequently. Be confident, its natural this grasp! Take it, tiger!

    Grow up is a matter of experiences. People that never live their golden cages will never learn; There are good and bad experiences, but at the end all experienci will be good and will contribute to build better, strong and charmous woman.

    Godspeed, girl! Have great time there!

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