
Any tips for a freshman?

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I am starting high school and was wondering if there is anything I really need to have or know. I know this is pretty basic but I am really nervous. I have gone to the same small school for my whole life.

What should I keep in my locker?

What supplies will I need?

What can I expect from teacher? etc




  1. ahh, i remember when i was nervous my first day of freshmen year.

    well, first of all- don't be nervous :D! everything will be okay. Chances are, there are tons of kids that are going to feel this way too and you won't feel bad for experiencing the same emotions.

    second, don't worry about supplies yet. The teachers will let you know. The first week should be pretty easy. They will go over everything you need to know.

    third, lockers.. hmm well, you could keep have a mirror, and dividers if you want. Although, during passing periods and whatnot it can get pretty hectic and not have enough time to make it all nice and organized.

    Other than that, there is nothing to worry about :) Enjoy high school while it lasts. make great friends!

  2. I am going to be a freshman as well so I will give you the same tips my sister had.

    1. Stay out of drama: this is usually common in High School and can rapidly affect grades so try to stay out of it.

    2. Dont be intimidated: People will leave you alone as long as you don't go behind someones back and cause troble by talking c**p about them.

    3. Focus on Homework and Studing: These grades actually count for the rest of your life so be sure to try your best.

    4. Make High School the way you want to: Dont let anyone control you and ruin your four years, just be yourslef and live each day like you want to.

    5. As long as you are respectful to the teachers they will be respectful towards you.

    6. The supplies you need vary from teacher, you just need to wait until the first day.

    7. Dont keep anything personal in your locker, people might go through them.

    Good Luck: )

  3. your locker, extra pens in the back. ALWAYS! haha i remember not having a pen when i really needed one!  a magnetic mirror is cool too.  

    your teachers will tell you if you need any specific supplies like a certain calculator or something. But be sure to have the basics, like a ruler, pens, pencils, erasers, notebooks. 3 subject notebooks are good. sometimes too heavy, but thats what i used.

    teachers are normally nice. just.. teachers, ya know?  Theyll give you your first homework assignment, tell you anything you need to buy, what the agenda is for the year, things like that. theyll have policies on being late, grades, seating assignments if they use those, passes.

    youll do great!

  4. all you need is a bag/backpack to put your things in, books pencils, DEFINTLY  3 ring binders and those sheets to help you organize your work. Basicaly things you have used throughout your school years =]

  5. Forget about all that right now , you probably wont even have a locker. What you need to do first is establish an identidy make yourself known. Talk to everyone , pay special attention to the really hot chicks or dudes and dont be affraid to talk . You have to be bold and forward in your exspresion of who you are and who you are becoming. If you put yourself out there your social circle will know and respect you and your next few years will be fun and stimulating . preparing you for further studies and social growth , finally to be shocked into society hopefully with enough education and caracter to sell yourself into a good living and status quoe.

  6. im not sure about the locker thing becuase in my high school we dont have lockers

    and you should probably wait untill you by any supplies besides the basics, becuase sometimes you wont need some things

    the teaches will expect alot out of you, becuase you are now getting older and they will expect you to act mature and resposible

    good luck and be yourself dont fall under all of the pressure

  7. I am going to be a freshman also and all i have to say is relax. Sometimes they have freshmen fridays where the older students try to intimidate us but just blend into the crowd and maybe even try to become friends with some of the older people. Most of the time your allowed to carry backpacks in high school so just put all the text books in the locker and the teachers should give a list of school supplies when you get to high school. Also if your campus has to buildings to go to like a 9th grade center or something and then you also have classes in the main building take the books that you will need for classes when you need to go between buildings. Also if you have summer reading make sure you turn it in on time and make sure everything is done how the school wants it done.

  8. i was super nervous too.

    but its just the same.

    just be yourself and you'll be totally fine

  9. I guess it would depend on your school what you keep in your locker. But when I was in high school, I had a magnetic thing on the door that had a mirror and pencils and other stuff I could easily find on the run. We only had 3 minutes in between classes. So, I needed to get to things quickly.

    Teachers vary. The newer ones tend to be super nice but too nice. Usually let kids walk all over them. Then either they learn to deal with the kids the right way or they get bitter and mean. I've had em both. But mostly bitter and mean. lol.

    Oh and another thing.. I liked the good quality zipper binders. Things don't fall out and it's quality so the zipper is less likely to break.

    Know who your true friends are and be true to yourself.  


  10. Teachers are pretty much the same as in middle school. Its more free in high school, so you can either keep ALL your stuff in a bag and carry it around with your everywhere, or keep some in your locker and get it when you need it. for the first few weeks, you should stay around people you know, and try not to get involved with a bad crowd. most teachers wont give a d**n if you dont want to do your work, they'll just fail you --- so do it! lol

  11. don't be afraid to ask questions the first day! most schools have people stationed to point you to class, so dont worry about getting lost. i go to a 2200+ student school and didn't have problems about it at all.

    take notes the first day too - each teacher has class-specific materials and forms to return. it's easier to remember what's what and you can look for ways to condense - for example, you dont need 7 1-inch binders if you can put 2 or 3 smaller subjects in one.

    after the first week you're pretty much set. chances are, you wont know tons of people- but neither does anyone else, since many middle schools feed into one high school. just get to class, sit down (not all teachers assign seats) and then chat with the person next to you. its the easiest way to meet people at first.

    beyond that, hang with the kinds of people you like best, do your homework, but dont overwork! make sure you do a sport - high school sports are crazy intense and so worth it. or a club, also very worth it.

  12. this is what i can tell u cause i was just a freshman.

    "hey hey hey smoke weed everyday"

  13. Just do the best you can.  You are there to study, do your best to understand what you are being taught and to do your assignments.  Its best to do your studies seriously, do well.  It is actually a very good way of meeting friends, very good friends.  Fun will come in its own time.  All the teachers I ever had were good people, committed to their jobs and wanting their students to succeed.  Avoid idiots.  Obvious advice, yes?  Set goals, reasonable goals.  You will have fun, it comes automatically with being a teen, enjoy your life, stay out of trouble.

  14. my first time too! good luck!

  15. some teachers will make fun of you, sorry it happens. Extra pencils in your locker, teachers hate it when you don't have any. As for supplies, you will probably just need the basics, high school isn't much different from middle school. And another word of advice, don't sit on any benches. Upper classmen will just kick you off.  

  16. Go with the flow. Dont try to stand out,but be yourself.

  17. Just keep the basics in your locker. Such as text books, notebooks and folders. Nothing else. You don't want to have your locker all cluttered up. Trust me. It'll make finding things in your locker 1000 times easier! I'm gonna be a junior this year. ha. Most likely you'll just need folders, pens, pencils, notebooks and a binder. From your can expect a lot of c**p. Most of them are cool at my school. But them having to deal with over a thousand students everyday, they can get pretty testy. Just try not to get on their bad side. You'll regret it if you do! lol.  

  18. In your locker, stay basic. Textbooks, maybe things you'll need throughout the day, I don't know what you might want in it since my school didn't have lockers.

    Supplies, all the normal stuff. The teachers should fill you in on what you'll need after about the first week.

    Teachers: Teach them with respect, but at the same time they will be a little more loose since obviously you're more mature.

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