
Any tips for doing a good scratch spin?

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i want it to be solid. right now, i tend to travel and be unsteady. tips, please. thanks.




  1. Well my best advice for you would be to shifts slightly towards your pinky toe, you will most likely stop traveling as much.  Then pull your arms in real tight!  GOOD LUCK

  2. Assuming that you have all the basic scratch spin stuff down, I just got a really good tip for centering.  Mine are okay, but I get so frustrated that they weren't centered and I was going on a one-way trip to China in them!  My new coach just gave me her secret for centering spins....and it works!  Go into your scratch spin and when you're in the "open" position, take up as much space as you can.  Arms out wide, free leg stretched out and make yourself as "big" as possible before you start pulling in.  BUT -- here's what has really helped.  Raise your free leg up.  It might feel funny at first, but don't let it be lazy, just dangling out there.  Hold it up at least higher than knee level.  It tips your upper body back a little and it seems like it keeps you off of your toe and a back a little farther on your rocker.  Going high onto your toe is what causes the traveling and the rocking.  Give it a shot -- it worked for me the first time I tried it.  Use it in all of your spins, well except a camel of course!  :)

  3. to stop traveling, try to curve your entry more and take a longer time going into it. be powerful but take more time and you will stop traveling.

    steadyness will come with practice over time. each day you skate elements get better. its either a little or a lot.

  4. well in order to keep from traveling you hold out your arms for about 3 revolutions. make sure your leg is slightly in front of you. then when you feel balanced start pulling your arms in twoard the right side of your body. try to make it to where there is no space between your legs. also make sure your shoulders are level throughout the whole spin. i hope i helped :)

  5. do a stand still wind up and make sure your on the ball of your foot and do a couple of revolutions getting balaced and then bring your arms in like to you chest and your foot to about your knee and push down at the same time!!

    good luck on skating!!

  6. Tuck your arms in tight and and push out strong from your crossovers.

  7. I assume the unsteadiness comes from the traveling. Well, do you know what the sweet spot is? It's the area right behind your toe pick, and when you're on it, you will have the perfect spin, in a sense.

    I know skaters just want to go faster and faster but you must control the spin but pushing into it with very little power. Work on body alignment, because going faster gives you less time to think and it's all about muscle memory.

    I think it's also helpful to attempt a flying sit. Do a tiny hop and land band down intending to spin. I've found that you'll pretty much always end up in that sweet spot. Then you'll know when you're on it and not. also, don't try to go up too high because toe pick spinning is very bad. Don't dry to be on an edge because that's for advanced skaters with much spinning experience. Don't worry about anything else but centering. It's the basis for the spin.

    After that, pick up speed and really bend your knee. You want to have a good push off into the spin. A nice deep edge entrance, then go up on the bottom of the toe pick temporarily. Don't try so hard because you'll fall. This is just technique to prevent you from doing a 3 turn. Slowly come up bringing your other leg around. Your arms should align so that the leading arm is in front always and goes out to be pulled back in. The other arm should be behind you and start to follow your free leg as you center yourself, then come up to be pulled in. Your free leg should be turned out and pulled in.

    Yeah, there's a lot of details so it's probably confusing. It's easier to show you, but learn what you can. Don't forget to give it time. You won't learn this spin in a day, I guarantee you that.

  8. First you need to center it. Arms out like holding a ball and your freeleg out as your arms come together so should your leg and your leg and your arm should come down together but when you get better you can extend the arms up

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