
Any tips for dream recall?

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Also I used to remember my dreams vividly, but now not at all. Anyone have an idea why?




  1. my grandmother once told me:

    if u dream about something, and something similar happenss to you in real life, then you will never see that dream again...Example

    lets say you bought a puppy in your dream, and then in real life something happens tha involves getting a puppy, then you will never have the dream of gettinga puppy again

  2. i saw on tv looooooooooooonnngg looooooooooonggg ago that you should have a glass of water before you sleep, then when you wake up, drink the water..and you'll recall your dream...(kinda weird...-_-)

  3. You can set your alarm for two hours after you fall asleep.  This should be about the time REM sleep occurs.  When REM occurs we start to dream.  If you wake up immediately after dreaming your more likely to remember them.  REM goes in 90 minute intervals.  So you should sleep for at least 2 hours to get a whole dream, then wright it down immediately upon waking.

    The one thing I can think of as to why you don't recall dreams any more is because you have resolved a lot of issues that used to bother you.

    I used to have nightmares 3-5 times a week, along with really bizarre dreams.  Since I have been working on healing and starting to resolve past issues the nightmares have stopped.  I rarely remember my dreams anymore.

    Good Luck

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