
Any tips for english riding?

by  |  earlier

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i would really like some tips for english riding? here is some of my riding pictures

also i wanna know what i would need for hunter jumper?

thanks :)




  1. The biggest thing for me would be to sit back and make sure you are not pushing the horse on his forehand. In the first photo your line from elbow to mouth was really good. You could maybe use to drop your stirrups a hole or two, that way you could get your leg around the horse. Also, make sure your toe doesn't point out, it points forward instead, that way if you use spurs you can have precise aiding.

    Hope it helps! Good luck and keep riding!

  2. Shoulders back, heals down, leg back, hands up and forward, collect, and also DONT HUNCH. Hunters you need to be PERFECT! If you show I would get an instructor to help you get better


  3. In the first picture it seems like you aren't paying much attention to you feet, they are forward and down, so like always, just make sure your heels are down.

    In the third I could see you leaning forward in the saddle, also it seems like you were leaning on the horse, which is never a good way to go.

    As far as jumping, always make sure you aren't looking at the jump just ahead to where you will be going. I don't know how far along you are in jumping, but if your new to it make sure to get in a 2-point position a couple beats or strides before the jump and once you have a nice position  consistently, begin to only 2-point at the correct time, youir horses movement will help with this timing.

    I hope I could be of some help, you have a pretty horse, keep on riding!

  4. Umm ok here goes

    Picture one: You are jumping way ahead. Try to keep your center of balance above the saddle. Basically get up out of the saddle but not so forward. Like in this picture (random off google) this person's equitation is not perfect (but it's pretty good, her lower leg has slipped back just a tad), but look at where she is centered over the saddle but not way ahead. Your lower leg has slipped back tons, but that's mostly because you are so forward. You need to get contol of your horses rhythym and instead of anticipating the jump, jump when he jumps and let him rise up to you. Your foot is also too far in your stirrup and you need to put your heels down.

    Good job not catching him in the mouth that is a mistake lots of people make.

    Picture two: Your horse looks half asleep lol. Anyways, your sitting with your legs out in front of you, you should be able to draw a straight line vertically from your ear to your shoulder to your hip to your heel. For h/j you are going to need more contact, so shorten your reins. Put your thumbs up. Again, heels down :)

    Picture three: First of all it looks like you are on the wrong diagonal. Secondly SHORTEN YOUR REINS (sorry I had to get that out) Keep your thumbs up, your hands are way upside down and planted on your horse's neck. Again, a straight line, fron the ear shoulder hip and heel, you're leaning forward and your lower leg has slipped back. Also the martingale is really too loose.

    Good job with your heels being down.

    I hope I didn't come off harsh. I just know that if I asked for a critique I owuld want my critiquer to be honest.

    And I'm not going to nag you about a helmet (it's your head), but you will need one to show h/j.

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