
Any tips for getting baby into bassinett or crib?

by Guest65495  |  earlier

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My 4 month old sleeps in our bed. I don't mind for now, but I would really like her to be in her own crib in her nursery by the time she's a year old at least. And I know that's a while away, but I've seen how fast 4 months has gone. But for now, I can't even get her to sleep in her bassinett right next to the bed. Last night I tried 2x to put her down there, and she almost immediately woke up. I don't mind her sleeping with me for the most part, because I'm bf-ing her and it's way easier to co-sleep. However, I would really like her to start sleeping in the bassinett pretty soon to get her used to sleeping on her own, but can't seem to get her to stay asleep in it for long at all! Any tips or similar situations?? (besides "crying it out", which I am not going to do right now)




  1. have u tried on of those bassinets that has the side missing so u can push it right up to your bed??? maybe that for a while then next step in a bassinet close to ur bed but not touching and move it further and further away (like eachweek) and with time she hopefully will beable to sleep in her own room or across the room from u... worth a try.. good luck

  2. Look in to the Ferber Method. Most people have really great success with it.

  3. Get her used to sleeping in the crib or bassinet by trying to put her in them when she takes her naps during the day.  She is just not used to them yet. Some babies take to the change really quick, but others need time to adjust.  

    When you place her down to sleep keep signing or patting her back to keep her asleep, let her know your still there. That might help. You just have to stick to it or it will just get harder and harder as they get older.

  4. My mom just had a baby girl .she puts her in a bassinett. She says when you have a girl she is more comforable in a bassinett than in a crib.

  5. My son is almost 7 months old and we do cosleep, but he sleeps in his crib until we go to bed. He goes to bed at 7pm (his choice) and that's just too early for me, especially because we cosleep for the first big nap too. LOL However..... I lay on our bed to put him to sleep and very carefully put him into his crib, which is right up against our bed, making sure I keep my body close just in case he stirs. I've even laid my head right on the mattress next to him so that he doesn't realize right away where he is. It feels a little mean, but it's just not safe for him to sleep on the bed until we go to sleep.

  6. ok its not really crying it out but when i put my daughter in her bed sometimes she fusses for just a min, not even really crying then goes back to sleep, so you should really try letting her go for just a min or two..... i cant let my baby " cry it out" either but she doedsnt really cry that much anyways, but i just feel bad,  but unless shes screaming i would just let her be for a min and see what she does, also i lay down in my bed ( she is next to my bed right now) so she cant see me becasue if she sees me she will stay awake, but shes also only a month old  

  7. your child will initially cry but it usually won't last long, it really is a matter of perseverance it is worth it in the long run. Put her into crib and kiss her goodnight and leave, return to put her down do not speak or make eye contact and repeat as long as is necessary. This may last a night or 2 at the most when she realises crying ain't getting her out. you and your family deserve this freedom, good luck x

  8. I don't know, but when you find out, let me know because I'm in the exact same situation with my 10 week old.  He can be knocked out in my arms, but as soon as I go to lay him down he instantly wakes up.

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