
Any tips for getting organized, and staying caught up with school?

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I am going into my sophomore year in high school, my freshmen year i took really easy classes just to get the feel of things. This year i am taking some tougher classes and i would really appreciate some tips for the year! I will be busy with clubs, sports, and unfortunately spanish!

thank you:)




  1. Staying organized can be a tough task sometimes, especially when you are really busy with your class work. What I think you should do (this helped me a lot last year, I'm going into my sophomore year too) is get a notebook for each subject. Make sure they're all separate, not one of those three subject ones. This might sound less organized but actually your notes will be easier to take and everything will be neater.

    Also, make sure you have a couple binders for the subjects you need them, and every night (and make sure you do do this EVERY night, because once you take a break you won't want to do it again) punch holes in your papers and organize them by subject into date and type of work, like homework or classwork.

    Since you are taking harder classes, it is imperative you study subjects like history, Spanish, and biology every night, or at least every other night. This way, you just study for a few minutes each night because you review the lesson you did that day. As for math, try and study every two to three days, unless you have a test or quiz. Then you should study more.

    I hope these tips helped you! Good luck with your sophomore year!

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