
Any tips for heels down?

by  |  earlier

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I ride english and I can't seem to my heels down and back straight. Any tips?




  1. try leaning back a little for the first few times, it should come more naturaly after.

  2. Ride in two point position for a little everytime you ride. Eventually your heels will stay down on their own.

  3. I have this same problem! I have my instructor to remind me but I finally realized I can't rely on her all the time, so when I'm walking, I remind myself - heels down. When I'm trotting - heels down. When I'm loping - heels down. You just really need to think about it or it won't come, because I know when I'm riding the last thing I'm worried about is my feet. Lolz. Good luck! (: xx

  4. You just have to keep reminding yourself.  Great form for riding takes time and becomes a habit.  When you are going around, do check lists in her head....shoulder back...chest out...back straight...heels done.  You will get it down eventually it just takes practice.

  5. Keeping my heals down was a big problem for me too. I just had to keep reminding myself. A good way to practice keeping your heels down is to stand on a fence or block, and flex your heels. Do this for as long as you can.  

  6. i don't know  

  7. When I first started riding, I didn't really get it, until my instructor said, "TOES UP" and a lightbulb went on, lol. It's a lot less effort when you think of it like that, too. That way, you're not using all those muscles pushing down your heels, and that will help keep your back straighter, too. It may also help to keep your shoulders back. If you have problems with doing that, you can get a device called a "shoulders back." It's like a back brace with straps that encourage your shoulders to stay back.

  8. practice walking around on your heels at home

    and stand up in the saddle while the horse walks.

    thats what i do!

  9. tape your self riding It may help and watch it

  10. I had a mantra of 'heels down, heels down, heels down' and had to running constantly through my head as I rode. Two point riding also helped but mostly just practice and my mantra.

    Then I got cocky a few years later, was training a young horse over a crossrail, he planted his feet after the fence and my heels weren't down. I flew off and broke my ankle. Now- my heels are always down. I don't really suggest this strategy though. :)

  11. Sorry, I don't have an answer for this one

  12. find a step (or just the steps in your house) and stand with the ball of your foot on the step (like you would have it in the stirrup) and then put all your weight into your heels so you feel a stretch on the back of your calf

    do it in reps

    make sure you feel the burn!

    if you practice this alot youll have the best heels ever!

  13. say what?

  14. well I have great heels, but my tips are... when you are home and you are on the stairs, stand on them with the ball of your feet, and stretch them down.  One of the girls in my barn does physical therapy for her heels, and she does the jumpers and does fine.  You have to practice, and they will get better.  I used to have AWFUL heels, but now they are the best in my barn and i win my equitation classes.  Practice, practice, practice... and they will get better

  15. It takes practice! When I hop in the saddle my heels automatically go down with out me even knowing it! Just concentrate really fast!

    *Western has heels down to!

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