
Any tips for improving customer/employee communication to ensure what the customer orders is what they truly?

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  1. You simply repeat it back to them for verification.

    So that is one burger with cheese no toppings or condiments, correct?

    And they say yes or no.

  2. Don't ask them...simply repeat what they said... "One hamburger with cheese, & small fries."

    If it's right they won't say anything, if it's wrong they will correct you, & if they are snippy, ignore them and continue doing the best job you know how with a smile.

    Have a great day, & good luck.

  3. Make Everybody who comes in contact with the order also repeat what they want. That way you also have the employees checking each other.

  4. I think it's good that you ask them,so you won't forget anything or whatever.

  5. So that will be one cheese burger with no condiments, only cheese, correct?  Would you like anything else?  Then repeat that also.

  6. Gosh customers are jerks.

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