
Any tips for keeping my heels down while riding/jumping?

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I have trouble keeping my heels down while riding. I learned that if I turned my toes out that usually keeps them down, but sometimes it doesn't. Any tips? Thanks!




  1. I had the same problem when I stated Jumping. You just have to keep reminding your self when you riding, just keep thinking "heels down toes up"! You'll get it. It takes time

  2. peolpe have the wrong concept of ridding with only your knee

    No it with the inside of your calf towaeds the back of it and also you have to keep your toe out a bit to archive this

    It does not come over night

    you have to practice and practice all the time it's not easy but do it

    keep riding with out stirrups and ride bare back

    Maybe your saddle is keeping you from having a better seat

    You have to use your leg your lower leg period

    stretch allot

    long lower leg,,,, heels down,,,, and heads up ! you'll get it just keep trying O.K

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