
Any tips for long haul air flights?

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  1. Bring along your reading materials or portable VCDs/DVDs player to watch as you will find time will pass quickly.

  2. Just one, don't open the door.

  3. Get up, and walk around.  I can kill a good forty-five minutes by just chatting up the people around the galley area or the bathroom area.  Being on my feet will make time fly and after that it'll actually feel good to get back in your seat.

    Bring a pillow, or at the very least a pillow case.  The pillows and blankets are only washed when they look dirty so they have tons of germs, but don't give yours up right away.  I usually tuck the pillow behind my back for lumbar support and after you've slipped off your shoes you can place the blanket under you feet for a nice soft cusion.  If you're going to put the airline pillow near your face, at least use your own pillow case.  Forgot your pillow case?  Turn the pillow case that is on there inside out, the inside has softer edges and (hopefully) not another person's saliva.  However, I strongly feels you should bring your own pillow, even if its just an inflatable type.

    Also, try not to look at the map of your position and/or your watch every couple of minutes.  After I get on board I take off my watch and toss it into my bag.  

    Bring a bag of popped pop-corn (low salt if at all possible) and sit back and pretend you're at the movies for at least one movie.

    If you do feel like you can get some sleep, let a flight attendant know that you'd prefer not to be disturbed.  If you're really on the ball, you can just write that on a piece of masking tape and put it across an eyemask you can slip on.  Otherwise, the flight crew is trained to wake you for drink and meal service.

  4. Do NOT take any drugs, either before or during the flight. The airpressure will already thin your blood, and therefore drugs that thin your blood CAN be dangerous to your health.

    To keep you occupied, most long-haul airplanes now have individual tv monitors, on which you can watch movies, in the seat in front of you and game consoles/music channel controller/cellphone built into your seat.

    The airline will also have newspapers for you to read, and in addition to that you will occupy some time eating meals, and snacks.

    Also, to prevent your body from seizing up, you should do warm-up exercises and walk around a bit. If you do this carefully, and do most of your exercises in the area of an emergency exit seat, there is no need to disturb any passengers.

  5. Take a good book, some ear plugs, comfy shoes and tight socks or flight socks, and be ready to have a flat behind at the end of the flight if it is a real 6 hr plus job.

  6. Put your watch onto the time of the country your travelling to so you can start to get your body adjusted, take a good book to read, buy some earphones from Asda travel section as they fit all the back of the seat consoles on all flights, if you buy them on the plane you will be ripped off and pay twice as much, listen to some soothing music if you feel a bit stressed and close your eyes, chew gum or suck boiled sweets, drink plenty of water, you can now buy drinks to take on the plane with you after passport control but do leave them in the bag with the bit of blue tape still attached or they will be taken off you, that way your not been ripped off paying on-board prices, take a few walks up and down the aisle and remember to rotate your feet whilst sitting, chill yourself out before you land and have the most wonderful holiday, good luck.

  7. Do a lot of leg work before you go. If you don't feel like sitting down, it won't be nice at all. Take an inflatable neck pillow. Don't drink alcohol on the flight. You'll feel like c**p when you get off. Wear loose clothing and take something warm that you can take off or put on easily..

  8. Really long? ....... save up and fly business or first class ...... all that room is the best thing for you ...... take an ipod or some noise cancelling headphones ...... lots of magazines ...... and some Tylenol for sure ....... = )

  9. good book, flight socks, aspirin to be taken before you fly, thins the blood, plenty of water, no alcohol because you get very dehydrated, and walk around a lot, it does disturb others but there is nothing worse than sitting still for long periods.

  10. I find I tend to walk around the airport before the flight and drink lots of water rather than alcohol. This seems to help as I feel more relaxed on plans than I used to.

  11. Long Haul flight has many factors - Not just hours remained onboard but also loosing daylight if you are flying across the Pacific/Atlantic Oceans. Your primary concern is Deep Vein Thrombosis aka DVT or also well known as Economy Class Syndrome.

    Your secondary concern for a Long Haul flight is Jetlag.

    Understand the importance of the above before and after your flight.

    Nowadays most Carriers provides enhanced Audio Visual On Demand aka AVOD pro grammes. You will be amazed to realized that before you could complete viewing all the AVOD Programmes during your 23 Hours (super Long Haul Flight) flight from JFK to SIN has touched down at Singapore Changi Airport safely.

    Please do make a frequent toilette trips during your flight, this again relates to DVT as a regime exercise during your long haul flight.

    I dont usually change my watch time even I've reached my destination. This is to enable me to make a gradual adjustment to my jetlag.

    I usually overcome my jetlag 48 hours upon my arrival.

    Bon Voyage!

  12. i suggest you     get some kind of electronic device like an i pod

    books, some of your own snacks chill out and don't be nervous

    and  pray for   a safe trip.

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