
Any tips for my malfunctioning camera?

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I have a Sony DSC-T200 camera. The other day, when I plugged it in to upload pictures, my anti-virus came up and told me that a trojan had been detected on my system. Luckily, it was dealt with accordingly. Afterwards, I could no longer open the drive with Windows Explorer like I had always done in the past. I was forced to use WinRAR to go through the folder and to extract my pictures to my hard drive. Today, when I plugged it in to upload pictures, I was told that I could not access the drive because my access had been denied. This has never happened before.

I took the memory card out and put it into my computer directly, and nothing happened. The light next to the memory card slot turned green, but no new drives came up in My Computer, even after I refreshed it.

I know that the only other likely places that my camera have been plugged in would my parents' laptops and my mom's computer. Any tips?




  1. Hmmm....It doesn't sound like it's a problem with your camera, rather a bug in your comp.

    It's probably best to ask the geeks over in the comp section of YA :)  

    Can you run system restore on your comp without killing any important files?

    If this is a fairly new occurrence, you can probably  hit system restore and click on the specific date before all this happened.

    You'll lose all info you've saved to comp since then, but it might fix your current problem.

    Another thing you might want to try is uninstall and reinstall all your camera's software.  Though it really sounds like a Win Ex problem, not one with your cam.

    Last suggestion, download another photo manager (I'm very fond of Picasa, it's free, does a good job).

    Plug your cam/card in and see if the PM will let you upload/import your snaps. If so you'll know for sure that your issue is not with your camera or  memory card.

  2. I would reset the camera to factory specs and get a new card.

    Good luck.  I do not know if that will work but it is worth a try.

  3. You can get more information about computer tips here


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