
Any tips for pulling manes?

by  |  earlier

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my horse freaks out when I pull his mane how can I get him to stop?

pls e mail me!!




  1. DO NOT TWITCH! i had a horse twitched, and she had cuts all over her mouth. My horse used to freak when i puuled his mane too, what i do is get a small section of his mane in my hand, and with my little comb i tease it, and then wrap the thin long left over hair around the comb then pull down, it breaks the hair but the cant feal it. This is the way i was taught by a dressage lady, it has never failed me! Goodluck

    - bec

  2. have some one else place a twitch..on him and.. that  a tight piece of string held around his nosrtils to clam him down. and go slowely.but some horses just can't stand it, if its a reel problem maybe to use ace or sedizine, that's if your desperate to do so.

  3. How are you trying to pull his mane?

    If you are using your fingers you may be hurting him when you pull his mane. If you want you can use a blade from a set of clippers and pull the underside of his mane out with these, it is a quick way to do it and may stop him from getting freaked out. Just talk to your horse or sing to him while you are doing this as the sound of your voice may calm him whilst you are trying to do it. There are many things on the market which help with nerves and to calm horses down, try a product called 'rescue rememdy' as this really helps calm horses dowm.

    Good luck with the mane!

    Have fun with your horse!

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