
Any tips for rowing a 2k under 8 minutes?

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Anyone have any tips for rowing a 2k under a 2:00 split? Because we have a piece today and I really want to break 8!!!




  1. All of your work should have been done already, so here are just a few last-minute suggestions.

    *  Warm up well--some pyramids, some power 10's and 20's--work up a sweat.

    *  Be sure the drag factor is set at whatever you usually erg at.

    * Try for even (or negative) splits.  You should know what split you can maintain.

    * Stay long--don't just jam up and down the slide!

    Good luck!

  2. i know its late, but all i can say is ive been in this position many a time.

    go to concept 2 and find a calculator, for the exact time and split you want,

    this was my plan

    1 . good food the nights before with lots of water leading up

    2. Some of my friends listened to their ipod while stretching and warming up

    3. Go out 20 strokes hard and fast (idk what your split would be exactly but maybe around 1:49-1:50 (uses your adrenaline)

    4. Settle down into your pace (For you stay 1:58-1:59)

    Long and Strong, big breaths

    5. Count down the strokes if it helps, it did for me (2000k's equals areound 200 strokes)

    6. Push through to the 1k

    7. When you approach the 1k, pick up the pace, you will be tired, but for 20 strokes push up to 1:55

    8: You know have 750 metres to go, If you have done it right your average will be under 2, probably around 1:57

    NOTE: Watch Your Average, but if its too high dont panic, lengthen out

    9. Just hold on at around 1:59 if you go a little bit over thats fine, it shouldnt be too bad

    10. When you reach your sprinting point, maybe 500m, 300m mine was 300, just finish it out remember 500 m is only 50 strokes....... absolutley nothing

    11. Pick it up has hard as you can without rushing until you reach the end.

    12. Collapse, before recovering and entering the 7 minute club.

    oh and what the person above said about counting, it works for some people but remember you count down not up, 10 m = a stroke pretty much

    so 2K = 200 strokes

         1.5 = 150

         1k = 100 etc

    but also i didnt start counting until i was ******, do it when you are in so much pain, but just practice

    oh and to get ready for a 2k, theres proper ergos you can do like 30mins at 2:15 or something that help alot, ask your coach.

    good luck

    and dont worry it will click so soon, i couldnt get under 8:00s until like year 9 (55KGS) i think and now im high 6's  (IN YR 12)

  3. Believe it or not, you can pull a lot harder than you think. Try for a 1:55, but don't just start blasting into it or you'll wear out fast. Accelerate slowly and work your way up to a fast split, then rip on your erg. Don't forget to stay long, or you'll panic.

    And don't start counting. :P All it does is psych you out.

  4. pratice every day

    stay hydrated

    do other exercises

    keep at it... when your body tells you that if you take one more stroke your going to die... pull harder

    you can do it your a rower... that makes you one of the most bad *** people on this earth

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