
Any tips for scheduling study time and other activities?

by Guest62636  |  earlier

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I am going to start high school this year, and I feel I need to create a schedule to stay on top of things. I am estimating have 3 hours of homework/study a night. I am also going to be involved in 3 extracurriculars. I want to be able to build in time to study, do my activities, and still have some free time. I think I'll try and be in bed by 9:30. Any help would be appreciated!

Also, I don't have a study hall in school. And I'm at school from 7:30-:3:30.




  1. honestly...trying to write out a schedule before school actually starts is difficult.  you dont know what kind of time delays will happens.  if one thing happens throughout the day that messes up your schedule, it screws the entire day up.  i would go to school without a schedule and see what the day is like.  once you have experienced the first day, then you will have a better understanding of what each day will look like throughout the week and you will better be able to fit your study time in.

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