
Any tips for someone about to start going to job interviews

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I will be interviewing for potential jobs starting next month. My field is economics. Any advice/tips for a successful interview?




  1. Be HONEST!! Sometimes the interviewer will ask you something they know for sure that you will not know just to see how you'll react (i.e. lie or fess up). If you have no idea what the correct answer is, be honest and tell them! State that you honestly don't know and see it as an area for improvement and learning. They will respect you for this and see you as someone who actually can learn and grow as opposed to someone who hides behind lies and ego.

    Good luck!

  2. Research the company. Use ETRADE and other sources to get their financial info.  Are they in good shape?  What news is being published about them?  It helps if you know a little about them walking in the door.

    Take every interview you are offered.

    Don't lie or inflate your experience.

    Don't Bullsh*t.  They can tell.

    DO NOT FLIRT or be crude - even when being interviewed by a smokin' hottie.  There will be time for that after you're on the payroll.

    Be professional and DO NOT slam others.  Not not your former boss, girlfriend, religion, teacher, ANYTHING.  

    No Politics

    No Religion

    When the interview is over ask how you did and when you can expect a call (so you can hold off the other offers LOL)

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