
Any tips for someone with travel sickness and a long car journey coming up, who needs ideas to pass the time?

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I'm 17, and soon I will be on a 5 hour car journey with my parents and a friend, and need some ideas as to what to do to pass the time. Sleeping is not an option as my friend would get bored - I also can't read, play handheld consoles, or watch DVDs on my portable DVD player.

I know 5 hours doesn't seem like much, but it does drag on, and these answers will help me for when I take, say, the 16 hour drive to France I will inevitably have to face some time soon.





  1. Motion sickness is caused by a conflict between your inner ear sensing motion but your eyes not seeing motion. Things like reading books, where you're not looking at motion will cause you to get motion sickness. The best thing to do is simply look at the scenery around you as it goes by. This will eliminate the conflict and will keep you well.

  2. i am 14 and i have the same problem. what ever i do i get a head ache and nauseous, we drove from new york to Florida 3 time and it is a 23 hour drive.i just listened to my Ipod and look straight ahead. you could also talk.

  3. nothing worse than being car sick i find sitting in front helps travel tablets are very good sturgeon brand quite good take two hours before you travel and journey wont be so bad i am sure your friend would rather you be well so she wont mind you sitting at front ye can chat for a while she can listen to her ipod or cd do stop after about two and half hours for a break i tried motion travel bands my sister bought form scotland they actually worked for a five hour drive as i forgot to take tablets that day

  4. Ginger beer can settle a stomach during travel

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