
Any tips for surviving freshman year of high school?

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ill be a freshman at sort of an urban school,

ive got great grades, am taking my English class at the university,

and just made varsity cheerleading :]

any tips for surviving, what to keep in your locker or how to not seem like a total loser?




  1. you dont need tips to survive .

    its like going to any other school

    just with more people..

    just DO NOT talk smack about anybody

    cause it'll get ya back.

  2. your a varsity people are gonna know who you are probably.

    ok so don't be a w***e and get a bad reputation.

    dressing cute helps

    just be in a good mood, meet and talk to new people.

    high school will be fine.


  3. i dunno what bloody problems you have in america

    why do you even have this freshman c**p???

    come to australia where everything is normal

  4. kill someone on the first day, that way you get their respect and no one will rape you in the showers

  5. well if you don't start fights then you will survive fine

    if your joinin cheerleading then you already becoming part of something and will meet lots of new people which is good

    in my locker i have one floor shelf, mirror, pictures of bands, books and skool stuff for classes and that is pry about it sometimes i'll have extra shoes or clothes for after skool stuff oh i always have a the sweatshirt thing that the skool lets us wear during skool

  6. -be chill about it. don't freak out about small things. try and be laid back as possible but still get your assignments done.

    -don't decorate your locker with flowers and all that junk, it gets annoying

    -be nice to everyone, even the weirdos;you don't want a bad reputation

    -hhhhhaaave FUN!! :) you are on cheer so pretty much you will be accepted, so don't even worry about it!

  7. just dont think your better than everyone and you will be okay also don't be fake

    and just because your a cheerleader doesn't mean everyone will like you most likely they will be jealous and hate you so just be nice :)

  8. Be your self.

    Always keep extra deodorant and Tampons or pads and a few extra dollars,

    Don't go near the meen girls

    make Friends with the nerds you never know when they can help you with home work

  9. try to get a map before the first day of school. know where the wings are [english wing, math hallway...ect.]

    if you get the list of class rooms then map out where you are going :) so you'll know the best routes to take.

    buy your basic school supplies beforehand [a binder, folder, notebook/paper,pens,pencils,backpack] before hand that way all you'll have to buy after the first day is the necessities for each class.

    don't worry about being harassed by upperclassman on the first day. i was a freshman last year and nothing happened to me OR anyone i knew.

    just remember: you were in middle school at one time with the juniors and sophmores (when you were in 6th grade!) and the seniors really keep to themselves. dont be nervous-highschool is a time to have fun and be with your friends!

  10. Yeah, you've got a great in by doing cheerleading already.

    Some tips:

    1) Don't EVER question the power of an upperclassmen.

    2) As for lockers....keep it only for your books and notebooks....that's it. If you have a graphing calculator (the expensive kind), keep it in your bag because it can get stolen.

    3) Ignore any let-downs the upperclassmen give you.

    Usually all the teasing is just the first month of school, then it gets a lot better. I just finished frosh year and I survived, so I know you will too :)

    Good luck!!  

  11. You're a cheerleader, people will love you no matter what, trust me...

    You'll find they'll be copying Your styles and stuff, so yeah just be yourself and let the herd follow

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