
Any tips for the first time hijab wear?

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I am learning about Islam and although I am not Muslim yet I am curious about the hijab and would like to wear one.. any advice? I'm a bit nervous about it because well for obvious reasons.. this is all new and although I don't want to overwhelm myself, I am very curious. any tips.. thanks ..




  1. it's good that you are curious because Allah just showed you the right way that you should follow.

    Wearing Hijab is not just covering your head and that's it. You first have to have the intention which means, you are wearing it to become a real muslim, not just a muslim by the word. If you don't have the intention for wearing it then it's like you are lying to yourself.

    You also must be doing what God told us to do. Pray at the right time, fast Ramdan, give zakat, treat people with kindness and all the good things.

    you are not a muslim yet, become a muslim first by saying " There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger"  (this is called shahada) and learn how to pray five times a day and start fasting Ramadan (I beleive it will start on September first) so get ready if you want to become a muslim and therefore wear the Hijab.

    and please don't mind what these dudes are telling you...Allah is showing you the good way to follow so follow it! :)

    May allah bless you and help you.


  2. way to go gurl ....

    goood for u  ....

    hope u be happy with ur choice

    and wat the 5 year studing ????? there  is no such a thing

    tip: believe in ur self


  3. I think you should start slowly.  

    I think you should start wearing long tops and loose pants.  Then long tops and long skirts, then add a plain head scarf.  Because if you start with a scarf and wear it with clothes that are tight or not plain but eye catching, you will be defeating the point of hijab, which is humility and not sharing your beauty.

    Good luck!

  4. Hey that's amazing! I converted from Christianity a while back, so I understand what you are doing. Just wear it proudly and Ishallah all will go well. If you ever have any questions or need any help, feel free to email me

  5. Awwwwe, you will love learning about it. Islam (unlike a lot of other religions) is very "serious" when it comes to worship and following Allah. I remember when I would go to a christian church--there would be women there in mini-skirts, people there with their live-in boyfriends, in prayer people would be sitting down doodling, and so on and so on. Islam is *exactly* what I have been searching for! Muslims give Allah the love and respect He deserves and there is no room for acting up in the Mosque.

    Feel free to browse my quesitons because I have asked a toooonnnn of questions regarding Islam.

    Good luck in whatever you choose :)  

  6. the five year thing dont listen to it

    theyre just trying to push you away

    and i'm so glas ure converting i love islam and how we have peaceful souls and generosity

    wear the hijab and dress conservativly and may God blas you sister

    im so proud of you!


  7. Just dress modest !i

  8. i was thinking alot about ur question and what to say!!

    well since u aren't convert yet so i think u should focus first on learning about the religions and the basics of the akeeda ....increase ur knowledge about islam first i mean then consequently ur iman or faith i mean will increase hence u will wear it ,

    many muslim girls find it hard to wear it sadly ,it needs faith to do it , like the faith to keep on the prayers and fasting..etc

    why iam saying that cuz by faith and being convinced u will be able to face any challenge that may make ur spirit down , like ur family or friends or employer..etc any thing that probably tells u u look different...etc~~~it's an act of faith.

    personally i wore hijab when i was 15 (now iam 25) my parents were opposing me and note that iam muslim since birth and my family is all muslims , and also my friends..etc but because i was convienced alhamdulilah i wore it and never took it off ,

    hijab doesn't hinder u from being neat and modest , on the contrary it helps u to be better and watch ur words and actions in general and helps to act probably as a muslim ,in general.

    well i hope that inspired u in anyways, for more knowledge about hijab , i recommend u the following links:

    watch that video too:):

  9. u aren't Muslim till 5 years of studying jus 2 let you know... and if u aren't Muslim and wear a hijab its very disrespectful.  

  10. salam alykum.

    hijaab? are you talking of covering your head? thats great. it's easy. take a triangular cloth put it on the head and tie it at the back. thats what i used to do  

  11. I am a white girl who converted from Christianity to Islam 4 years ago.  I was a little scared also to wear the hijab but you know what, right after I left the Mosque after converting, I didn't want to take off my hijab.  I worked as a waitress in a restaurant and that was a little weird at first.  Customers stared at me a lot but surprisingly they were more intrigued by me and were interested in hearing how I converted and why I did it.  My family did not approve of me being Muslim and they moved away and I am not as close with them anymore.  But I have my religion which I love and I'd never be anything else but a Muslim.  I am married to an Arabic Muslim man and I am very happy that I chose the path I did and wore the hijab.  If you want, try it out sometime and see how comfortable you are with it.  It is required in Islam to wear it.  If you do convert one day, God willing you do, take things one step at a time, Allah will help you.  Hope my answer helped you.  By the way, you can get some really beautiful scarves and still look nice and stylish if you want.

  12. You should contact with some Muslim Female personally....

    she will teach you better by practically

    May Allah Bless & Guide You  

  13. Wear it and fear The One who created you without feeling intimidated and overwhelmed by your enemies.

  14. I'm not Muslim,  I find Islam very interesting to learn about.

    I want to convert to Islam, I love the teachings of Islam.

    Here is video clip of how to wear a Hijab :)

    I hope this helps ♥

    Good Luck, Dj Jennyfey!!

  15. Nothing much you need to do, if you want to wear it, just do it. It is not disrepectful to wear a scarf on your head if you want to, Muslim or not. Muslims are not the only people who cover their heads or wear scarves. (And you do not have to study for 5 years, that's incorrect.)

  16. Mashallah, if you want to wear one then that's good for you. As Muslimas we are required to wear Hijab, and most girls choose to when they personally feel ready. You earn more respect from Muslims and non-muslims...before I used to wear Hijab, I would sometimes get men making comments to me...obvious comments u kno..but after I wore Hijab, even those who were not Muslim would never say a word to me...I get stares sometimes, but it's natural...and it makes me feel so happy, to say Salaam to those Muslims who I have never even seen before,, as they recognize me as their Muslim sister by my Hijab.

    I also would feel nervous if I were you...and as for advice? Well...since you plan on embracing Islam (I assume), then I would suggest that you try going out a few times with a Muslima friend that I hope you have...see how you would also make it easier for you after embracing Inshallah.

    If you have any more questions or curiousity more questions! haha, Inshallah


    Salaam my dear sister!

    Jazakallahh Khair!!

  17. well, first prepare for the lack of vitamin d, your skin will not see god's beautiful sun again, so you really need vitamin pills. second, you will be a jew not a moslem, because head scarfs are talmudic jewish not moslem

    i'm a proud moslem! well, pride is from the devil you are following to h**l, jews!

  18. pls dont dress like a idreesa she is semi nude

  19. Wear a Burqa and be on with your day

  20. Just go for it, hijab is not only covering ur hair though, it comes with responsibilitse like dressing modestly... it might seem a bit hard at first but soon enough u'll get used to it.. and hijab protects u in this world, and then u get reward for it in the next, so just go for it!!

    Also don't worry about other people, cause in the end its about u.

    InshAllah Allah (swt) will give u strength, and my prayers r with u!!

  21. Asalaamu Alaikom, future sis in islam (insha'allah)

    i've been wearing hijab for four days now omg *scream* first its going to seem weird, i liv in usa so its like everyone stared, and your going to get questions, the same ones over and over again, thes are the ones i've been hearing for the last four days, if i hear them again i will jump out my bedroom windo lolz jk.

    *are you hot

    *when did u convert

    *are you muslim

    *why you wear that thing on your head

    OMG those questions ahhhhhh lol. but hijab is totally worth it, and when they ask questions tell the truth, like

    *of course i'm hot, i have somthing over my head in 90 degree weather l

    *i converted almost 9 months ago

    *no i jus wear hijab for no reason...jk jk...yes i'm muslim

    *i wear it cuz the quran, our holy book, commands us to!

    hijab is kewl for so many reasons.....they are also stylish, if you have hijabs and underscarfs in a few differ colors, u can mix and match and always look "stylish" but modest. it seems to be a problem in my school if a muslim isn't stylish, so its hard to wear the hijab in a nice way and be modest......yea i try to plz ppl alot so i wnt hear them talk about guess not a good thing to do.

    but n e wayz........ummm lets see that was the only thing i really encountered, well i called a terroist by a "friend" i think he was joking (idk i hope)....and a boy said he wishes he cud find a muslim boy named mohammed so he cud jump him......sheer ignorance?.....i think so! lol

    oh i'm so happy you found islam!

    sabes que? rock!!!!!!!!!!! woooooo! masha'allah!

    EDIT::::********:::::::: and first answer.....tsktsk, plz tell me u are a troll or sumteen pretending to be a muslim.....cuz if u really are a muslim being so rude like that.....i'm so embarassed.....and we wonder why so many unfairly judge our religion.....cuz of ppl like you!

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