
Any tips for towing a trailer with car for the first time?

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I've never towed anything before and we're driving a 16' penske moving truck, towing a trailer with a car on the back. I know the obvious like don't cut corners, turn wide and don't jackknife, but if there's anything else out there that would help I'd appreciate it.





  1. There are restrictions on Licences these days, but the best way is to find a deserted car park and Practice, remember when reversing you follow the trailer and make small turns of the wheel, fit a bumper guard to your towball to ensure no damage to you vehicle.

  2. brake early. and watch all the temperature gauges, but since your using a truck you should be alright. sometimes you can tow a trailer and not even know its there and sometimes, especially when windy you can feel the trailer swaying back and forth, just keep it under control. you'll be fine. try avoiding places where your gonna have to back up, thats gonna be tricky your first time.

  3. Yes PLEASE BE PATIENT!!!! the car will take longer to stop and start. the good thing is other cars will tend to get out of your way. Don't horse the motor it will do no good and keep an eye on the temp gauge when climbing big hills if you get too hot pull over and wait until it cools. it won't damage anything unless you keep pushing the car when it's hot. also don't be afraid to use the lower gears of your tranny to slow the car down a steep grade. If you use the brakes too much they will over heat and fade that would be bad.

  4. I've done a lot of work with truck rentals and the best advice I can give you (assuming you'll be on a highway) is SLOW DOWN. You won't like hearing this, but that trailer doesn't want to go faster than 45 or 50 miles per hour. I say this because no one seemed to listen. Working for U-Haul, I saw way too many wrecked trailers due to speeding. The extra wind destabilizes the whole rig. Similiarly, everywhere you drive, just take it slow. Don't worry about whether you're in somebody's way. The advice about practicing in a parking lot is very good, too. Even just a half-hour of practice is definitely worth the lost time. And check the restraints three times over.

    Have a safe trip!

  5. Honestly, go to a big parking lot and Practice. I no you proabobaly won't but just practice parking and going in reverse . If you have someone with you have then have them guide you and try to use hand singles. Yelling ALWAYS makes it worse. Also if you are going down a steep driveway go down at an angle. Normally if you dont the hitch will hit tthe driveway. And always help other boaters because you will eveuntally get in a boating situation where you will need help.

  6. well firstly you have to hook it up then the roads your oyster!!!

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