
Any tips for travelling in Vietnam.?

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Any tips for travelling in Vietnam.?




  1. dont try and walk it itll take yonks to get there

  2. Most important tip will help you in all situations. Always be nice.

  3. always have a back-up plan.. be flexable and adventureous. get up and out early 4:30 am on the street at least once in every place you go .. viet nam comes alive before sun there to see it.

       try all modes of transportation for the expierience , but remember your time is more precious than money ..take enough money w/ you to fly and take the overnight train[from place to place.]  

       for more advice check out the hundreds of q&a's in "resoved questions " section of this site.. this question has been asked and answered many times .

  4. give my regards to Rambo

  5. It's safe and great, just enjoy and discover.

    have a nice trip

  6. ssssshhhhhh hey man i see goooks in the perimiter!!!!

  7. Be friendly. You will find the Vietnamese very friendly. If someone wants to talk to you, talk to them - they don't bite. And most of the time they won't try to hussle you. Smile. If someone invites you to come into their shop, do so, ask them about the things they sell (and want to sell to you), you don't have to buy, and there are some really neat things to see. I often tell shop keepers that I won't step into their shop because it is dangerous - they might sell me something, but I often go in anyway, if I have the time.

    I have been living in Ha Noi for almost 4 years now. The people are very, very friendly. If you are open and friendly, you should find the people you meet are very friendly in return.

    Expect things to be slow. Sometimes they are. Sometimes service is slow, or poor - that is a part of the economy that is still in development. Don't get angry, don't be rude. Enjoy it - Viet Nam is a great place to visit.

    See if you can get a copy of "Culture Shock - Vietnam" through your local library. It would be a worthwhile read.

  8. just stay home or go someplace else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Be nice, because Vietnamese is very friendly. If you want to purchase something on street or in shop, you have to bargain the price.

  10. Don't step on any disused ordinance

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