
Any tips for winning ebay auctions?

by  |  earlier

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What are they best ways to win auctions on ebay? I kinda suck with auctions, always getting out bid! please help!!




  1. its just luck bid the max that your willing to pay and cross your fingers! everyone leaves it to the last seconds to bid. good luck!

  2. wait til right near the end. dont even bother bidding. just watch the item and put the highest you would pay for it in right at the end

  3. Use the bid assistant, then find a couple of auctions that are the same item that you want (if available) put how much you are willing to pay for each and it will bid on both of them up to that amount until you win one (hopefully) As for the other posters if you put your max bid in before the others and they put the same amount whoever has the earliest bid (you) wins... waiting til the last minute is not a good strategy.....

    Or you can find items that are close to ending and have no bids, that usually works for me.

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