
Any tips for wiring my online satellite radio from my computer to a regular radio 15 ft away??

by  |  earlier

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I work at a gym and we get terrible radio reception. I have an online Sirius satellite radio account and can listen to the music from my computer, but I want to send it to the radio for the entire facility to hear.




  1. Technically you need to contact the business dept. at Sirius. This would require a different subscription service because it's for a bigger audience.

    If it's just you, there's a wireless speaker device made by Recoton. Theoretically you could come out of your computer (headphone jack) into the device which would then send a lo-power broadcast to Recoton wireless speakers in another part of the building.

    Or, you could hard-wire from the headphone jack to the remote speakers (though this may require and amplifier of some sort in between.)

    -a guy named duh

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