
Any tips on becoming more photogenic?

by  |  earlier

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Most of the time it looks like I gained a lot of weight on the photos and have a big nose. .Hope there are some ways to look better? Thanks




  1. certain angles and lighting also b4 you take the picture think of something. That's the look you would have say if you think something happy the camera will bring that out if you think of something sad the camera will also capture that image. so basically go with your feelling.

  2. Experiment with different angels. I know that I hate when profile pictures are taken of me, where you can only see the side of my face, because my nose looks huge. So try and be facing the camera, looking straight on. Avoid looking down, shadows can make problem areas look worse.

    Personally, I like when there's a lot of light on my face in a picture, so maybe try taking some pictures in a room with great lighting, or even under a bright light, and seeing how you like it.

    As for the weight issue, opt for darker colors.

    Also confidence is key. If you're comfortable with yourself, it will definitely show in the picture.

    Hope this helps!

  3. You just have to play around with your camera and try out different angles. Usually if you tilt your camera down it makes you look better. Or try turning to the side or something. lol  

  4. let me know when you find out.  The exact same thing happens to me!  Also I feel like I'm smiling but it sure doesn't look like it. wtf?

  5. Don't do fixed poses.  Being photogenic has more to do with capturing your personality than to do with your features.  It means moving and being expressive while you're being photographed.  Watch the models when they work, constantly on the move.

  6. If you are like most of the others I have seen lately on the web, the first thing to do is get SOMEONE ELSE to hold the camera. That way the lens doesn't distort your face. Then you can go from there.

  7. Yes, definitely, experiment with the angels.  Ask them for better looking parents next time around.

    But seriously, you have some good answers above.  Don't let anyone use a wide angle lens to take your picture and especially don't let yourself be near the edge of the frame if they do.  The "classic" portrait lens is an equivalent of 85-105mm, which translates to 60-70mm for the most common digital SLR's or 14-17mm for the most common point and shoot cameras.  This puts the photographer at a suitable distance to avoid distorting your features.

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