
Any tips on buying a 2nd hand Surf Board?

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Hi, I'm off to Devon next year on Holiday to Westward Ho ! and would like to try a bit of surfing. Does anyone have any tips or advice on buying a 2nd hand surfboard as i'be never brought one before. I only want this for a bit of fun and not serious lessons. Also is Westward Ho! any good for learners?




  1. The only advice I can give is that you look out for Shark bites. These can cause the board to veer off in any direction when you least expect it.

    Avoid boards with this kind of damage!!

  2. Yeah, definitely get yourself a mini-mal/ funboard/ egg.  If you're only surfing occasionally, there's no need to get something crazy.

    If you're buying a foam board, there's not much to it.  As long as there's no holes in the board, you're fine.

    As for an actual glassed board, don't get anything completely water logged.  Unless you pay as much as a cheap meal, anything where parts of the board are squishy and the glass is separating from the foam, your board will only die and make surfing unpleasant for you.  Check for cracks anywhere on the board.  Don't buy the board if there are cracks on the tail right next to the fins.  Those can be dangerous, especially once more stress causes that area to buckle.  Anything near your back foot is very dangerous.

    Don't worry about color of course, but make sure if it's an epoxy or not.  And find out what kind of foam blank was used for the board.  Some boards take in tons of water due to the type of blank used if there are dings.  And if you get a do-it-yourself repair kit, using the wrong kind of repair kit for the wrong kind of material can destroy the board quickly.

  3. get yourself a mini mal, they hurt a lot less than a shortboard when it smacks you in the eye after youve fallen off, are disorientated and are trying your best to stay afloat, but do get some lessons and do ask advice from the local clubs down there about currents and hidden rocks and stuff

  4. DUDE!!!


    you dont know what they have been through

    if you dont know much about surfboards you wont be able to see any damage

    the outside might look fine but if there has been any leaking the inside could be completely rotten. major signs of damage can include dings and yellowing, and one wipeout can snap the board in half

    if you are only trying it out, hire a softboard to get the hang of catching waves and standing up. surfing is a brilliant sport to get into, and if you like it, be prepared to want to go again, and again, and again! its addictive! and eventually you could end up buying your own board, but buy new!

    good luck my friend!! surfing is a pilgrimage! respect and honour the power of the waves! just dont get carried away! ( out for rips...)

  5. If I was you I would hire a board if you are only goimg to use it on holiday. There are loads of places up there where you can hire a board and wetsuit. Westward Ho! is not the most consistant break in north Devon. due to the geography of the beach. Cheek out That will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about  the place.

    Warning. Surfing can change  your life.

  6. Hmm pawn shops are usually filled with boards this time of the year since more people go out just for summer but if youre buying a Used board

    heres some tips for buying used boards

    Dont buy if the board is turning yellow, this maybe a sign of water seeping in

    look for dings and open cracks, and dont buy if the dings and cracks are to much of a hsssle to fix and repair

    if you see a fix on it make sure that its a good repair not some half *** job

    peel off the stickers if there is any because a lot of people just cover up dings instead of patching them

    look for buckling and signs of delamination

  7. check for dings in the board, holes in the board, sun damage it the inside foam is showing on any part of the board it's a no go. have fun. if its your fist time geta long board.

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