
Any tips on camel spins and lutz???

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Any tips on how to get more revolutions on Camel spins???

And how to do a better lutz??? I always take off of both feet instead of only my right foot!





  1. when you go in to your camel remember to step around in to it and make sure that you are on the right edge (outside)

    lutz: bring your arm with your leg if u r a lefty left arm with left vise versa with a righy

    hoped this helped

  2. I like to practice all jumps on the ground before taking it to the ice. If it helps you any, try doing it over and over until you get it right and you can tell it feels right. I have my lesson tommrow morning and im being tested to move a level up, so thts wat ill be doing hhahha. With spins, take off with as much force as possible. Good luck=)!

  3. On the camel, don't rush into it.  Assuming you are a right handed skater, lead with your left arm as you go into the spin.  This should help you establish the spin better.  On the lutz, both of your feet are on the ground when you take off, just make sure you vault off your toe pick.  

  4. Camel Spin - bend your knee going into it to give you more movement to pop up into the spin, swing your left arm ( not to hard but smooth) to your side and at the same time bring your right arm to your side, keep on the ball of your foot and most important keep your chin up and point your right toe.

    Lutz - ahhh this is a tough jump to master!!  First off try to master your backspin by being open at the start and snapping your arms and legs in to your body but stay balanced, hard I know but if you can do this well do the same movement in the lutz and you should be mastered in no time.  This is what helped me when I needed to master the single to try a double(ugh)


  5. on the camel spin make sure your hips are square so your leg is lifted straight behind you, not at all to the side. and make sure your not leaning forward onto your toepick. that should help you get more revolutions.

    for the lutz make sure its a strong back outside edge and you tap straight behind you. you actually should have some weight on each foot at takeoff.

    good luck!

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