
Any tips on getting back to sports after ACL surgery?

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I play rugby and I tore my ACL last season when I twisted my knee on astro-turf. It was a full tear, so they did reconstructive surgery to replace the old ACL with a piece of my patella tendon. Its been about 5 months now and I've gone through some physical therapy and started training for the upcoming rugby season by running, biking, etc. The knee's still a little week right now, but I want to make sure its good and strong for rugby season in august to insure that this injury doesn't happen again. Has anybody had this injury and returned to sports only to tare it again? If so, what did you do to injure it again and how to avoid the injury?




  1. just get back into the came. strech daily get that ACL in shape.

  2. What a long and painful 5 months, in recovery and in watching.

    Keep up the rehab work. Pool sessions help take your bodyweight, start with walking exercises, then lunges, swimming etc...

    Strap it or get a knee brace for support during exercises.

    Dont push yourself too hard, if its not ready, wait. You have to return at 100%. If you come back too early, that 5 months now, could be your career, next.

    Theres always another season next year, and its not worth the long term pain, there is life after rugby.

    When you recover, Good Luck!

    Remember, that when you die "Rugby is the game they play in Heaven".

  3. Make sure you do the therapy designed and monitored by a reputable sports medicine group.  That's the key.

    Once you have an ACL injury fixed and properly rehabbed, it's very, very unlikely you'll tear the same ACL again.  

    The "return" time for football is considered to be roughly one year, with proper rehab.  Some do it as quickly as nine months, but that's generally D-I football players who have daily rehab with a good trainer.

    Basketball players take one year to return to action after ACL surgery.  They sometimes try to come back early ... but they rarely do.

    I think a rugby player will put similar stresses on his knees as a football player, so that would be your better guide.

    Good luck ... and happy rehab!!

  4. yknow what man, i tore mine bad a couple years ago, its true what they say, time heals all wounds. im running at full pelt now, tackle breaking, throwing the littleuns around like dolls, blive me you'll be back to normal in no time. in the meanwhile, dont stress it, and when you do, get the ice on fast, it helps. dont play before it's completely better, you'll just aggravate it.

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