
Any tips on getting cheap equipment for a beginner paranormal investigator?

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What kind of equipment....where to get it.....etc.




  1. Google it;)

  2. Your lucky day.

    First check with the group that you might join. They might have specific tools or information that they want you to use and know.

    Here is the best price I've found anywhere for the essentials that many groups use, others require further study and actually have grades of ghost hunter but these will get you rolling and quickly.

    First let me add a bit of advice, under no circumstances should you ever test your house or dwelling for EVPs! Cause you're going to scare the c**p out of yourself then what are you going to do and where are you going to live?

    Now for the toys!

    This is the best price anywhere for this duo, I ended up buying them separately and getting only one of them from ST, loosing a little in the postage but here is the whole shebang sans voice recorder, you're on your own for that.

    Some groups will require you know the information in "How To Be A Ghost Hunter (Paperback)" before you join and will be tested on it. I suggest getting a new one from Books4Little for a couple of dollars. Really very helpful since it distinguishes between ghosts, spirits, etc. The author describes his experiences getting into ghost hunting and how his hobby blossomed into a business. Some of the information is dated when it comes to available equipment but I'm already giving you that info now. Really indispensable if you haven't studied your soon to be favorite pastime.

    So much fun to be had, just get used to asking directions to that long forgotten cemetery,  penitentiary, asylum or crematorium...BWAHHA HHAA

  3. Go to EBay and look up EMF detector (not the one with cord because they go off too easily), Ambient Temp Gauge, Digital Camera(not a cheapo one either cause you get really poor pictures and the pixels will be crappy and you will think that you have something and you don't)

    A digital voice recorder or hand held cassettete player (make sure you get plenty of batteries for all of your new equipment) If you get a the hand held casset play get some labels so you can seal them off so you don't reuse them and you will also know if someone has tampered with the cassettes)

    You can also look up night shot video cameras or IR cameras.

    And one more thing....never charge for an investigation. A reliable group will never charge a client! If you need help with any of this get in contact with me, I will be more then happy to help you.

  4. Walmart,

    digital camera... $120.

    Digital tape recorder... $50.

    Notebook and pen...$3.

    The look on your face when you actually encounter something paranormal.......Priceless!

    (sorry, couldn't resist the last line)

    Really thats all you need to get started, and a place to investigate. You dont need a bunch of fancy electro magnetic detectors or gieger counters or whatever they are using on tv these days.

    Later if you save up some money, you can get a nice pro-level camcorder, SLR camera, and stuff like that.

  5. your senses

    your heart

    your energy

    you do not have to go far, you have them, practice with them first

  6. Cover a box with tin foil, and draw meters and dials and stuff on it.  You can connect a stick with taped wire or string and pretend it's a sensor.  The results will be similar to more expensive equipment.

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