
Any tips on going vegeterian?

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should i just stop eating at once or take some time

tips on what foods would be good in protien

anything other then MEAT RULEZZ please answer




  1. Hmmm, I just recently became vegetarian, I was eating chicken one afternoon, and suddenly I realized I didn't want to eat meat.  Haven't eaten it since.

    Peanut butter is very good-- milk too.  

    i dunno, that's all I can suggest, I haven't been vegetarian for very long...

  2. dont eat meat

  3. what i did was i didnt go compleatly go veg but i just quit eating red meat and pork. it is much easyer and im still getting my protine and i have more option on what i want to eat

  4. I quit eating meat all at once. I just decided after doing some research that I didn't want to eat it anymore. It depends on your reasoning. If you have ethical objections to eating meat, it is usually better to quit all at once. It also depends on how much meat is already in your diet. You may find it easier to phase it out :red meat first, then poultry and fish. It really depends on what is best for you. Hope I helped :)

  5. gradually cut back, but not too slowly. maybe one to two weeks. its really not as hard as you might think. its obvious not to eat meat (and that includes fish!), but you also should not eat anything that contains geleton (ground up bones) or rennit (stomach linings) witch are both gross and you probably dont want to eat them anyways. the main thing that sometimes has rennit in it is cheese. a lot of them dont though, so just check the label. good sources of protein are beans, wheat bread, potatos, broccoli, colliflower, and a lot of other things. you would be supprised at how many non-meat foods are packed with protein. good luck. you really are making a good choice. : )

  6. At first it may be hard to quit eating meat, but whenever you see meat, just back away slowly. Youll get used to it, and start eating cucumbers, radishes, celery, and couliflour in no time.

  7. It could especially be hard for a female to go from a non-veg diet to a strictly veggie diet. Main reason is lack of iron. If you eat a lot of red get 70% of your iron from that. Especially when you loose iron regularily from you body each month. There is no direct substitute for that iron in any of the veggies. You prolly have to eat a whole lot of greens to get that kind of the iron or take supplements.

    Other than that I don't think there is any big problem with going veggie. I'd still take it easy...may be try being a partil vegetarian for a few months and see how you do. You might need to take supplement depends on what your new diet ends  up being like. Do some research and find a good supplement (organic) that would help you during first few months. Once you get used to can let off the supplemtns. Good luck!

  8. definitely go to your doctor first and tell him/her that you want to be a vegetarian. I advise you do this because there have been many cases where new vegetarians/vegans fainted and became ill because of their new diet.

  9. for me it was easier just to do it cold turkey, whatever is easier for you is just fine,

    being vegetarian you don't really need to worry how much protein you get as long as you eat dairy pretty often. most people get way more protein than they need, its if you decide to go vegan later its a little tricker.

    and just one more thing i'd like to add is in being veghead you can't eat gelitan products either like marshmallows, frosted poptarts, starbursts, skittles, and other foods. just read labels.

    also its hypocritical if you wear leather and suede and are veghead, unless you are only doing it for health reasons. just saying. good luck going veggie! :D

  10. I would say slowly start slowing down on meat products. Like stop eating red meat for a while, and then later on stop eating fish. sont stop instantly.

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