
Any tips on how i can make my high school football team?

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I am 5'7, wiegh 130 pounds and i am in grade 9. I am a quater back and look to play quater back. I have been playing quater back for my flag football team in my middle school, but in high school it lookes like there are more good freshmen quater backs. Any tips on how i can impress my coach during try outs?




  1. Bust your *** at practices! don't show that you are getting tired, the coaches want to see blood sweat and dedication to know that they can count on you and that you really want to prove yourself. and down be affaid to ask for some pointers from your coaches, that will show that you are serious. Also get to know your recievers outside of school, the more you communicate out side and get to know eachother, the better you will be able to communicate and predict eachothers actions on the field which will lead to you being a more accurate and therefore a better QB.

  2. ask the coach that question, i am a coach and i respect that u want the starting job

  3. u better be fast cuz ur tiny for a quarterback... lol..

    u better see the field well too...

    i never played quarterback.. i was a d-line men and linebacker

    and corner or safety when i played, in like... 3rd and 4th grade..

    and 5th grade..

    but i kno that u gotta see the field really well and make the right

    descisions on when to run and when to throw..

    just be smart with the football


  5. Have a good arm, simple as that. If you can't throw 45-50 yards, you won't have much of a chance, maybe a wide reciever.

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