
Any tips on how to defeat Xaldin in Kingdom Hearts 2 for PS2?

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Okay i've beent trying to beat him for at least a couple of days now. He's probably the hardest character in the whole ya know yielding 6 lances and everything. even when Sora gets knocked out and Mickey comes in to help i can't beat him and i'm on the beginner level!




  1. keep leveling up, get the best equipment for your characters, make sure you have the right spells set up (such as healing since you may need to heal Sora) and keep moving around.

  2. my advice is keep leveling up until you get to a level where sora is strong enough to beat him...i forget who xaldin is (its been a while since i played this game) but i would just keep leveling up by killing a whole bunch of heartless and nobodies...

  3. You'll notice off the bat that Xaldin wields lances. Several lances. And he likes to use all of them. The major secret to this battle is to always use Triangle to Learn his attacks. The effect is cumulative, so you can stack a bunch of Jumps up in your command menu. When you have a bunch, repeatedly hit X to let Xaldin have it. Each Jump command will take a generous amount of HP away from him. You can have a maximum of nine Jumps at one time.

    As for specific attacks, most of his physical ones can be avoided by constantly jumping around and Learning. When he's up in the air, he'll zap you with pillars of electricity or really dense wind or something. These can sometimes be avoided by running and jumping, but you're much better off if Sora has learned Quick Run from his Wisdom form. Xaldin can also set off slow moving balls of the same stuff, but these can be super easily Guarded against.

    Later on the battle, Xaldin gets nasty with his attacks. You should be on the lookout for when the screen goes dark and Xaldin starts riding his lances like a dragon. He will shoot a huge beam of energy across the entire bridge at this point, and if you get caught in it, you will suffer major damage. If you have a Jump command still available at this point, use it right as the beam is about to hit you to avoid the attack.

    If you want to end the battle quickly, and even avoid most of Xaldin's later attacks, save up nine Jump commands when he has about half his HP left, use all nine on him, then quickly use Beast's limit. If this doesn't kill him, it will at least have made the battle five minutes shorter.

  4. He is actually easy until he goes berserk than you have to move away from him. In that state, he is untouchable. See the gauge on the right hand side, that is the berserk guage as long as it low you are good. Do alot of the reaction commands.

  5. I was level 22 when i beat him but this what i recommend:

    First but hi-potions and use them all in item slots

    Second, keep beast and goofy out but turn the ability auto limit off

    Third, if you need to, use valor

    fourth stand still and keep guarding, when you see a reaction command keep clicking triangle, repeat until you have nine, then just keep pressing X, that's 2 bars gone, then repeat

    If you do die simply keep pressing square as Mickey until only 1 bar is left them get away from Xaldin and keep pressing triangle to heal him

    when he gets revived and Xaldin does that dragon/wind thing keep using reflect until its past then whack him in, use beasts limit when xaldin has half a bar of HP left

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