
Any tips on how to find a lost item?

by  |  earlier

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I seem to lost a CD and I need help on how to find it..Aside from the 12 principles(which didn't work for me),are there any more methods on finding it?




  1. get one of those lost item keyrings. u can get em off me but i live on the sun so its a long way to me

  2. I have no idea what the twelve principals are, but I do know that if you want to find something, you don't look for it.  If I look for things I never find them, but as soon as i kick back on the couch, shazam, there it is.

  3. I don't know what the 12 principles are.  What I do is try to remember the last place I saw it and what I was doing at the time.  Then work my way forward from the last time I saw it.  Usually works for me.

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