
Any tips on how to learn latin?

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I am taking a class in high school and we have to learn latin but I don't get it help!




  1. memorization.  That's about it.  I thought Latin was simple.  No irregular verbs (well, five, but so much fewer than any other language.

    The BEST thing you can do, though, is actually LISTEN in class.  If you are busy daydreaming, you aren't likely to get it, or any other class, for that matter.

  2. An excellent choice would be to find what text will be used in your class then buy or borrow from someone and read/study from that text. Whatever text your school system has selected, you will find that it will require consistent, daily practice.

    I found that the use of flashcards for vocabulary was very helpful; but it needs to be done in a systematic manner. Record verbs by principle parts (there are generally four of them.) Record nouns by nominative singular, genitive singular and gender for starters. If your class goes as it should you will see the patterns develope as you progress.

    Verbs and nouns are very importaant as there are so many endings (your text and teacher will most likely refer to these also as inflections; they are the same thing, just different words). These endings (inflections) are many and various and are important to learn. If you begin to fall behind and then neglect the daily discipline required, you will find it perplexing.

    Learn the rules and apply them through daily reading as well. You may be tempted to not read even though you know the grammar rules; but if you give into this temptation you will not benefit as much.

    With real discipline and consistent daily practice it will begin to come together in a strange and almost magical manner. If you begin to think and/or dream in the language it may get scary but that is the exact time when you do not want to quit because you will be on the verge of really knowing what the language is about and you will be amazed at what your brain has done to make you so much more analytical and perceptive.

    Learn the rules. Apply the rules to daily reading. Practice. Practice. Practice.

    It might not be easy in the beginning but you can have a lot of fun learning this very valuable language. And your own vocabulary will be enriched tremendoulsy. Then you will probably find the other Romance Languages (those derived from the languages of the Romans) much more interesting and fun to learn.

    Bona Fortuna.

    Edit: This is the answer I gave to another who asked the same question.

    It works but is not as easy as hearing the language spoken every day as in modern languages.

  3. Study,and pay attention in class. If you don't understand something ask a friend or teacher to help. I've been taking Latin Since 3rd grade :3

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