
Any tips on how to remove ink from a shirt?

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Any tips on how to remove ink from a shirt?




  1. If this is ball point ink, Lady Tazz is correct.  Hairspray works great.  

  2. ink is pretty perminate, u might have ot kiss the shirt good-bye. but u can try running under cool water. DO NOT USE WARM WATER

  3. i once got ink on a coat i bought as a gift and used milk on the ink and it worked. just rubb the milk in not to much and then wash it. :) good luck  

  4. oxyclean

  5. Rubbing alcohol. Dont rub it in though. Just pour a little bit over the stain and let it soad and then dab it. I have removed sharpie marker from a white sweater that way. When it's out, wash it.

  6. dye the rest of the shirt the same color of the ink

  7. Try spraying it with hair spray.  Rub it in until you see the ink starting to dissolve, and then wash it.  It works great!

  8. try vanish powder give an hour soaking then wash has normal,,,

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