
Any tips on how to survive with only store bought water for a few days?

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I thought there was a working spicket outside, but it does NOT work.

So, any hints on how to survive this modern world for a few days with no running water in the house? I simply cannot afford the water bill right now, so we are going to have to make do without.

I have a boyfriend and two dogs that live in the house. Any suggestions on how to make it would be so appreciated during this tough time! :)





  1. you can refill your jugs at grocery store pretty cheap. But it is a hassle i would heat the water for your dishes at the end of the day. you should have a basin and pitcher of some sort for washing hands and things like that. I have been in this situation and you realize how often you use water lol. Of course you do need to give the dogs water. I would have a water in the fridge to drink and to give the dogs.The rain water advice for the toilet is great for toilet flushing or watering plants if you have them. There really isnt anything you can do but just do it. You can also heat water and share a bath just dont share it with the dogs lol...good luck!

  2. get rid of boyfriend, he's probably mooching off you and thats why you can't pay your bill. Keep the dogs, they will always be faithfull

  3. Make sure the dogs have water for sure.  Ration for that.  Do you have juice ?  Drink that instead.  Put out a bucket for rainwater if it should rain and use that  to put in the toilet to flush it if that isn't working either.  Just keep the water for drinking alone.  Forget dishes etc.  Eat on one plate and use one glass.  Good luck.  

  4. Depending on where you live, there should be water for public use.

    Look for containers to fill from drinking fountains, gas station hoses or public parks. You can even find park/camp grounds that have showers.

    If you find a shower, bring some clothes and wash them too.

    p.s.  40 gal. in your water heater but turn it off when its empty.

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