
Any tips on looking after my plant?

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I have a Mother-in-laws-tongue plant. Any ideas on how to look after it? How often does it need watering? What room temperature should it be in? Does it need a lot of sunlight? I just need some information on it. Thanks in advance. x




  1. This plant could probably survive a nuclear explosion. They are in the succulent family (barely), so if they aren't getting full sun now, then gradually move them into as much sun as possible, and water twice a week this summer in a full sun. They do fine in the house during the winter with little sun, with barely any water, until next spring.

    With lots of sun and a wee bit of fertilizer, you might even see a couple of babies pop up by summers end.

  2. Mine is in a south facing window and goes outside for a couple of months in the summer. They like cactus feed every week in summer and regular watering but not soggy. Water only once or twice in total between October and March. Any temperature as long as always above freezing. Repot in a soil based compost mixed 50:50 with grit or perlite every year in spring. If it is happy it will flower, the flowers are night scented and smell magnificent, like lilies.

    Bluesmutha is thinking of diffenbachia, mother in laws tongue is sanseveria (spelling?) and not poisonous

  3. You have one of the easiest plants of all to grow. They will grow in light or shade (not full sun all day though), they need very little water and only need to be transplanted once they have busted the pot that they are in or when the pot bulges. They can stay in the same pot for years without the need for a transplant.

    You will only need to water the plant maybe every two weeks in the summer and once per month or less in the winter. Do not let the soil stay wet in combination with cold temperatures or the roots will rot.  If you follow these guidelines you plant will grow and fluourish for many many years to come. I have one that is over 4 feet tall and have had it for almost 8 years now.

    I'm not sure which kind you have but there are a couple of varieties you can get.  One is all green and the other one is with pale greenish yellow margins.  They will produce little plants up through the soil near the base of the mother plant and you can dig these out and start new plants or give them away to friends and family.  You can also take leaf cuttings by cutting a leaf out and cutting it into sections.  Stick each section into the soil about 1/4 of the way and in a few months they will produce little plants as well.

    Good luck with your new plant. You shouldn't have too many problems as these plants are nearly impossible to kill.

  4. These are nearly indestructible plants. Don't overwater, and don't put in direct sunlight. Let it dry out between waterings and just give it normal room temps. And don't let anyone (kids or pets) taste it.

  5. Mother-in-law's tongue or snake plant or Sansevieria...the other folks who answered gave you good information about this plant.

    DO NOT OVER WATER. I'm sorry for shouting, but beginners sometimes forget and do that - overwater, not shout.  

    Benign neglect is how to care for this wonderful plant.

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