
Any tips on serving?

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I can serve really fast every once in a while, but I'm just not used to the technique. I feel uncomfortable with it, since I'm not sure exactly how it should feel. This is how I do it: Throw, put my racket on my shoulders, and then just slam it down. My toss is slightly away and in front of me, but usually that's the hard part. Any tips? Or should I just keep practicing?




  1. What I found was helpful was to toss the ball right above my head and a about a foot infront of your body(but still in the general direction above your head) and make sure your swing is fluent and hits the top of the racket, trust me I play tennis for my high school.  Also make sure you have an experienced tennis player watching you.  Good Luck!  

  2. You should continue practicing to toss, and for a faster serve you need to jump towards the ball and remember to snap you're wrist after contact w/ the ball. I think you have the same style of serve as me besides the footwork. I'm not sure if you do the swing back thingy. If do, skip the below paragraph.

    Not sure how to explain this but get a racket and reach back until you racket is striaght on your spine. That is what you're suppose to do went swinging towards the ball.

    I been coach randomly by people on the public parks. Their is a man that gave me a very good tip. To stress when you are preparing to serve. Be loose and don't tighten youself. Move smoothly and when you're in the rocket position (racket on shoulder) blast off.

    Not sure but i think i lean towards the ball before  jump toward it, and leg booster are great too. You put all you weight towards right leg (ringht handed) then it goes towards you're left then jump.

    -Keep eye contact even after you hit it

    -Toss the ball with three fingers, loose grip.

    -Hit the ball at high peak. (sweet spot)

    -Left foot towards the right pole

    -Jump towards the ball (important! if you watch pro tennis they all do it)

    -Try find your peak by sticking you racket up in the air

    -Your toss should be a length of a racket away from your left foot.

    Practice these because if you think about doing all of these then it is a mess. You want your body to remember how to hit a serve.

  3. Remember to snap your wrist. BUT, the most important part of the serve is the toss. Good toss, great serves. :D

  4. i think you need to wipe the ghost of tossing first (assuming you're practising flat serve).

    make your self a small lasso knot from a small cord, about 30 cm (= about 1 ft) diameter, leaving 60 cm (= about 2 ft) of the cord as the distance measurement.

    now stand sideways to the baseline (or any imaginary line - so you can practice indoor without the racquet of course). notice that your left foot is near the baseline (do not touch it or step over it). you can also point your left toe to the right net post. place the lasso on the ground, the cord end at the tip of your left toe, arrange the cord so it angled about 45 degrees to the left from the baseline. stretch the cord until it formed a straight line, with the lasso forming a circle as the target for your tossed ball.

    toss the ball using left thumb, index, and middle fingers. toss lightly, about 1 ft above your head. try to aim so that the ball will land inside the lasso circle.

    do this about 10 times and make notes of how many your toss landed inside, how many outside. repeat as many as you wish in a day. notice the statistics. try this exercise any time of day as you want. see if you can improve the "landed inside" rate within one month. let us know the result.

    remember, this should be fun and relaxing, so the next time you are playing a game you'll be relaxed and have a consistent toss.

    hope it helps :)

  5. do a small jump forward and also whip your right shoulder if your right handed opposite if your left handed,  if you find a lot of your serves hitting the net then toss the ball a bit more higher, if you find its going over and not landing in the service box your putting too much power on so try and find the right balance

    Good luck!
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