
Any tips on starting a small clothing company??

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any tips on starting a small clothing company??




  1. Well, study first the budget needed. If you think you can do the finances and you will really earn, then you may start.

    Start thinking of many designs, styles, themes and more.

    Remember that your designs and styles are "IN" and be sure many will like it.

    Buy your materials and start working. Your clothing must be great and with high quality. huh.

    Think of a name for your company. Find a place which is really seen in public.

    Make sure your prices worth it.

    Good Luck.

  2. Try it has everything you need to start up and the forms you need. its like 25 dollars, but its worth it I purchased it How to Become a Fashion Designer and it gives lots of info on what to do check it out. I purchased it and have my clothing company is local stores now. Good luck

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