
Any tips on taking my driving test to get my license! PLASE HELP!?

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Any tips on taking my driving test to get my license! PLASE HELP!?




  1. Familiarize yourself with street signs, hand gestures and traffic times of your area beforehand.

    Once in the car, adjust the seat to fit your body height and style.

    Drive at the speed limit, as this will show the inspector you are confident in your abilities, but not so confident you're breaking the law.

    Be sure to check your mirrors regularly. Make this a little more exaggerated than normal, just so it is clear that you are doing it.

    Get a good night's sleep. You'll feel a lot less anxious with more rest. Eat a good breakfast. It's difficult to concentrate when you're hungry.

    Remember, you can never over-use your blinkers......................

  2. well, it has got to be the same thing like everyone says over and over again. Be calm, have LOADS of practise. Mental driving going through all the obstacles. Smile and be polite to the instructor. And best of luck to you! Hope u pass it with flying colours. (But do not be dishearten should you *touch wood* not make it, we all make mistakes ALL the time)

  3. dont be nervous & make sure when ur going to make a left or right turn ur head trust me i didnt pass it just because i wasnt turning my effin head!! i was just looking at the mirrors

  4. be calm, talk to your instructer..light convo never hurt but keep your eyes on the road at all possible times.

  5. I don't know where you live, but in Indiana, DO NOT LISTEN to any of the suggestions already posted. The Indiana driver's manual specifically states that you should not try to engage the examiner in conversation unless he or she initiates the conversation.

    I remember having to take a "courtesy" driving test a couple of years ago, after my last stroke. I had a female examiner, and was polite enough to open the door for her, etc. I waited for her to tell me what she wanted me to do, which was basically drive wherever I wanted. At the first intersection controlled by an automatic signal, a car approaching from my right immediately ran a red light. I slammed on my brakes and swerved, barely avoiding a collision. I said " Well, I guess that makes a point for seat belts". She chuckled and agreed, and told me to return to the DMV. I figured I was done, now; imagine my surprise when she got out of the car and told me, "h**l, there's nothing wrong with you. Anyone who could have avoided that one has excellent reflexes."

  6. try to talk and make conversation with the tester. that way he wont be as focused on your driving. oh and make sure you leave a good following distance cuz that will make your overall driving better

  7. remember your seat belt and stay calm and read your driving manual that the driving license company should have given u

    but i am no expert

  8. stay calm and chat to the driving instructor. show's your confident.

  9. know how to do a three point turn-they always make drivers do that! and how to correctly reverse-drive your car. just relax, don't get nervous too much or you will miss important things and forget important things. always keep your eyes alert, and listen to what the testing person tells you. drive smoothly, not timidly, and definitely not speedily. Don't speed!!! not even 5 over when you are taking the test. have confidence, and don't get too worked up, and you'll be fine!

    i just got my license two weeks ago!

  10. Yeah. STUDY THE BOOK. If you don't know what you're doing, chatting with the guy thats grading you isn't going to help a bit. You'll just seem like an airhead. Know what you're doing. Good Luck.

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