
Any tips on transporting my 9'4 longboard on my 2door 306

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I have bought a soft roof rack to hold my longboard and I took my board out the other day for a test drive. Well it wasnt very secure at all and the wind kept lifting it. I have since bought some heavy duty straps which have done the trick of holding it in place. But I fear when traveling down the motorway tomorrow it could snap because of the wind force.

Any tips on how I should place my board?! Like further to the back of the car or something?




  1. Resolved QuestionShow me another »

    Carrying a Longboard on a 2dr Civic?

    Hi all,

    I have recently gotten back into surfing... I have 9-4' Longboard and have been relying on my friends truck for tranport to and from the beach. Id like to be able to just go whenever i feel like it... but the problem is that my car is a 98 honda civic 2 door coupe.

    Is it possible/safe to carry a board of this size on such a small car? Id like to get some good soft racks, but if im going to have to worry about the board, my car, or other cars around me id rather not take the risk.

    any SERIOUS thoughts / suggestions are appreciated!


    4 days ago

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    4 days ago

    I should mention that my budget is somewhat limmited, so hard racks most likely are not going to be an option. That is unless i can find them used and cheap!

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    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    Soft racks will work fine. Just make sure they are spaced far enough apart to balance the load. Put your fin(s) up and to the front. You can always get a nice 1" web cargo strap at Walmart and use that as 'insurance' (just wrap it all the way around the roof and board). And don't go for the land speed record with your log atop the coupe. I see lots of cars smaller than yours, with soft racks and longboards at the breaks I surf, so I'm sure you'll be okay.

    3 days ago

    Sometimes reading the resolved questions gives you the answer. make sure they are spaced far enough apart to evenly distribute the load, use your cargo straps, and drive at a sensible speed. You'll be fine.

  2. Surfammo gave you a good answer. Also you should drive faster that 60-65mph.

    The Surfboard Man

  3. Space the pads on the roof so that they evenly support the board. Put the board bottom up, with the fins at the front of the board. Put one of the extra straps directly behind the fins, to stop the board if it starts to slide. And don't drive as fast as you would without the board.

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