
Any tips on trying anal s*x? should i do anything at the same time? things to make it better, or less painful?

by  |  earlier

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i really want to try it, not just for my fiance, but because i hear it's a great climax experience....any tips?




  1. Lots of K-Y jelly. Go slow to start.  

  2. I've heard that too and plan to try it soon, my guy suggested I buy a small thin vibe and start using it there, well lubricated of course.  

  3. I have had anal s*x....a lot, with my boyfriend and him only.

    I would just say you really need to be relaxed and comortable and IN THE MOOD. You need lots of lube, but not like the watery kind more of a jell. And you have to go slow and be sure you are comfortable. It does hurt and who ever you are doing it with needs to stop when you say stop. The first...umm insertion haha..hurts a lot only for a second then take it out take a deep breathe and go slow. I mean, i didnt enjoy it that much at first but after a little while... I have come to enjoy it and hahah but I dont plan to do it with ANYONE else if me and my bf ever break up. He is the oinly lucky one =)

  4. K Y jelly.

  5. breathe... relax. try it first in a spooning position... it will help your muscles relax and be less tense... if it hurts too much for your comfort, then stop. it could be tearing or something like that. im not trying to scare you, because it is a great climax. but be careful. here are some tips :

  6. Lots of lube, and make sure you start slowly.

  7. This might be stating the obvious here but still I thought I'd mention it: You can't have spontaneous bum-s*x like you might do with vaginal s*x. Plan when your going to have this session a little bit just so you can take time to make sure your bum is looking nice (hair removal...anal bleaching, if you're into that etc...) and - I'm sorry to say it - so that you can have a poo. There is nothing more uncomfortable in the world than attempting anal when you need to poo!

    Also, use lots of lube and tell him to go VERY slowly at first. You might feel a bit sore afterwards but it passes and it will get a lot easier.

    And never go a s s to mouth....

  8. lots of lube.  

  9. for all exercises use lube and condom on d***o(s).

    self preparation - finger yourself (use a condom for hygienic purposes) and get a feel of your Tolerance level for that event.  After inserting the finger "tighten-up" the butt muscle - relax - tighten up - relax.  

    use a d***o in graduated stages, level of insertion.  use graduated d***o sizes, once use to one size use larger one.  Hopefully same size as fiance..  If not using battery operated one, do this sometimes in the bath near the toilet in case of sudden r****m explusions.

    When you feel ready for the real thing, work with fiance allowing a little at a time and total relaxation. Total stop if pain has occured.  There will be other times.

    >bites tongue<  drink alcohol just to verge of a buzz.  that will give total relaxation.

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