
Any tips on writing a song?

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i want to write a rock song and i dont what to write i have a lot of feelings i want to express but i cant tips?




  1. write whats from the heart that's the best tip. write about experiences, life, anything

  2. There are many good rock songs out there. However, to write your own song playing the guitar, drums, bass, or singing is not enough. In fact, you can write a great rock song without even playing an instrument. Writing a rock song can be hard, but once you know what you are doing you'll find it gets easier.

    Relax and get in a comfortable spot to think.

    If you have to, walk around for a while and think of a couple things you may want to write about.

    If you've come up with a bit of a song but have to leave record it on your phone so you don't forget it.

    Experiment. As you gain more experience, you can make changes to the general structure and even make up your own.

    If you think of something catchy in your head write it down or you will probably forget

    When writing instrumental parts, try having the guitar and the bass playing in a different rhythm. This makes the song sound more complex; like you put some thought into it.

    The lyrics don't absolutely have to rhyme.

    Always be yourself. Write about your emotions or personal experiences, or the experiences of people close to you. People want to here about stuff that is personal and true. If something is fake they can tell almost immediately. Any experience that effects you and/or changes your life, for better or worse, is something that others can relate to and something that they will enjoy.

    Don't make it too repetitive otherwise people will get bored with the song.

    Make sure the song is okay with the band before you set it in stone. Your band will get angry if you start to become independent.

    As a beginner, keep your songs under 3 minutes as it gets a little boring after that. However, as you gain more experience, you can write much longer songs that are not boring at all.

    Hope this helps!!

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